Example sentences of "the [noun] than a " in BNC.

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1 Remove the distance piece — the softer polystyrene block is easier to remove without damaging the stem than a harder wooden block .
2 A man who became 40 just before or just after 1 January 1986 is much more likely to contribute a death to the numerator than a man who became 40 in the early days of 1985 or the last days of 1986 .
3 Doubtless Beatrix Potter felt it was a neater finish to the story than a vasectomy . ’
4 They 're suggesting that I have a permanent security guard on duty , day and night , apart from an alarm system that would be more suitable to the Bundesbank than a private house !
5 Fast though they run , they all keep in step , so that the whole group looks more like a snake gliding through the undergrowth than a family of young mammals on an outing .
6 The lagged dependent variables suggest that adjustment costs are of importance whilst the presence of lagged determinants of the desired stock suggests that there is more in the data than a simple first-order partial adjustment model might permit .
7 As reported by the chief naval engineer of the Germania yards , the rotor ship handled beautifully and was able to tack a full 20 degrees closer to the wind than a commercial sailing ship .
8 A county court action is likely to provide a quicker hearing and one which is more convenient to the parties than a High Court hearing .
9 Transparency itself is left as a relatively flexible concept : more of a commercial decision for the exchange than a matter of regulatory principle .
10 " Power " , for example , is an ordinal attribute in which we might want to talk about individuals having " more " or " less " power than others and to reflect this in using the power of numbers to reflect " more " or " less " of some attribute in the same way that a higher number score on a test signifies a greater ability to do the test than a lower number .
11 Also a minor marriage was a much cheaper option for the parents than a major marriage and was , therefore , considered to be socially disgraceful .
12 Lowell sensed that there was something more to the question than a further sounding-out about a commercial proposition .
13 I would n't be seen dead in a navy suit and I 'd rather give a peck on the cheek than a mock-male handshake .
14 This can be used to replace or supplement a cylinder overflow area ; it is a form of distributed free space that is more evenly available through the file than a cylinder overflow area .
15 Assuming that Sophronia is an upper servant , the poem draws no closer to the owners than a description of the room where Biron sleeps and where , Timon-like , he keeps his unread books .
16 Dexter was sure the TV reporter 's motive for leaving the room was more to check the nanny was not listening at the keyhole than a raging thirst .
17 But when the chips are down and he 's feeling blue , Charlie sees himself as ‘ The Maryhill Hermit ’ , a victim of his public image , and a man who would rather have a quiet night with the wife than a night out with the wild bunch .
18 Things had been ticking along nicely between them , just as long as she 'd been prepared to forget that she wanted more out of the relationship than a roll in the hay and a bright ‘ cheerio ’ at the airport .
19 They give better support at the edges than a sprung base so they 're a practical choice if you tend to sit on the bed .
20 There 's little evidence to suggest that being delivered by Caesarean section is any more harmful to the baby than a natural birth .
21 Martin Lee , leader of the United Democrats of Hong Kong , said that he hoped that a politician would be more receptive to the will of the people than a diplomat .
22 Carried by so small a man , the camera 's lens would often be no higher from the ground than a child 's eye and he could approach them on their own level .
23 No sooner had Vasili 's feet touched the ground than a pair of tight-fitting handcuffs was snapped around his wrists .
24 If it is by Rolle , it would seem to be more of a series of prompts for meditation on the Passion than a fully worked out structure .
25 ( Actually the ‘ stream ’ , in this case , is more likely to mean the seeping and trickling of the groundwater than a rushing open river .
26 She goes on to point out that " Nothing was more alien to the baroque than a puritanical attitude towards technique and material .
27 In the latter union these changes ‘ were less a surrender of power to the shopfloor than a formal accommodation to the reality of decentralisation which had occurred during the post-war years ’ ( Hyman , 1983 , p. 42 ) .
28 Even the most positivist anthropologist , knowing the statistical significance of categories of population , would not have been immune from a romantic curiosity , would perhaps have spent more time visiting this wastefully subsidized relic of the past than a cool assessment of scientific value could warrant .
29 No sooner had the plane risen into the air than a door flew open revealing a square of blue sea , and a concealed cargo of contraband slid across the floor .
30 The ‘ kick-point ’ related to the shape of the shaft at the point of impact ; a shaft with a low kick-point shows a greater curvature near the tip than a shaft with a high kick-point .
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