Example sentences of "the [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 The tannery had the deserted aspect it always wore ; it took very few workers to keep it productive .
2 He supposed that the Sechem had the knowledge , and made a face .
3 The RAF had the unenviable task of bombing the Nazi munition factories , knowing that they were manned by forced labour from conquered European countries .
4 Since shareholders controlled the company they should be entitled to the profits and the managers obliged to act in their interests , for this ensured that the shareholders had the incentive to exploit wealth-maximizing opportunities .
5 Though opinion in the South gradually softened , there can be little doubt that the obverse would have been the case had the British government not changed tack and demurred at an openly repressive strategy .
6 more in terms of our interest rate than would have been the case had the two countries remained separate ?
7 The beneficiary 's account is now larger and there has been no corresponding decrease in another domestic bank account to match it , as would have been the case had the transaction been purely domestic , and thus not created further credit .
8 Even if the courts had the resources to perform the first of these tasks , the latter involves value judgments of a kind inappropriate to the judicial function .
9 The Germans had the Berlin Wall to dance on , the British had the Wembley pitch ; both events were part of the same great story of liberation .
10 Nevertheless , the Germans had the advantage , for the British ships , silhouetted against the western sky , made ideal targets and , shortly after 16.20 , the battle-cruiser Queen Mary was hit by a salvo and also sank .
11 Bombing was already an established function of airpower ( as early as September 1914 German Taube aircraft had bombed Paris ) , and the Germans had the machines available .
12 The bloodshed had the effect of reviving the flagging intifada and also of highlighting in international terms the plight of the Palestinian people .
13 The contract had the basic elements of any NHS contract , plus detailed commitments for each of the two parties ( box 1 ) .
14 And , now , crumbling in decay , over laden with a desolate burden of humanity , the houses had the look of queuing for a great knacker 's yard , of eagerly embracing the extinction of their former grandeur , of offering themselves to ruin with an abandonment almost luxurious .
15 MacKenna J. held that there was an implied term that in such a case the seller was not completely excused from all performance but that the buyer had the option of accepting delivery of the reduced quantity , at a pro rata price .
16 About a month later the buyer had the clutch repaired at a cost of £45 and claimed this sum from the seller , alleging that the car was not of merchantable quality and not reasonably fit for the purpose of being driven on the road .
17 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
18 Yet , as we have seen , the skilled behaviour they used in the cases had the opposite effect .
19 Thus , in the case of Parchment , the police committed what would have been a number of breaches of the rules had the accused been in the police station , but , simply because the supposed infractions had taken place before his arrival , the crown court held that nothing wrongful had occurred .
20 The merchants had the cash , but the weakening aristocracy held on to the reins of government .
21 Roddy Neill , the Clydesdale Bank 's business sector manager , said the improvements had the bank 's full support .
22 In 1864 , the Confederates had the idea of making torpedoes to look like lumps of coal .
23 It is ironical to contemplate what this economy measure could have meant to the University had the test-tube fusion work succeeded : of the billions of dollars in royalties , Southampton — where Pons had got his start in the field and where Fleischmann had spent over twenty years — would have had claim to none .
24 It was a rambling house and the Mollands lived in what had once been the servants ' quarters ; the vicar had the rest of the place to himself .
25 However the route had the unique distinction in Blackpool of operation by horse , gas and electric trams !
26 Thereafter , the authorities had the evidence from the JCP 's own objectives to justify the suppression and extinction of opposition by labelling it Marxist .
27 The driver had the good manners to signal with headlights that he was clear but he stayed in the overtaking lane , letting the twin turbos build up speed .
28 The sheep had the worst time , and not many survived 1947 , although provisions for people and animals alike were dropped in by helicopter , and the Army forced a way through on the south side of the dale .
29 The freedom thus offered allowed his ideas to expand intuitively and this could hardly be more gripping than in the concluding Chacony — a monumental structure of which the performers had the measure .
30 Despite a somewhat smaller stand than the Association had the good fortune to occupy in previous years , Hotel olympia proved to be none the less hectic for HCIMA .
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