Example sentences of "the [noun] and for " in BNC.

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1 An exercise programme is a useful addition for the majority and for certain patients can produce a significant improvement in their physical capacity .
2 His death quite literally shattered the Prince and for a time he lost all sense of purpose .
3 Reuters news agency cited him as saying that he and Klaus had agreed a timetable for moves towards the split and for preparing legislation at both federal and republic level to ensure a peaceful transition to two independent states .
4 At this stage most people would have given up the struggle and for a time settled for Ted , who by now had enlisted new blood into his team , including the trusty old campaigner , John Peyton , and Peter Walker , who was re-engaged as Ted 's campaign manager .
5 I 've seen most of the programmes and for Mastermind it was just a question of re-reading all the Dr Who books again . ’
6 The questions involved did not relate to the guilt or innocence of the defendants but whether they had been wrongfully deprived of material which should have been available to them in preparing for the trial and for use at the trial if relevant .
7 Let me put this proposition to the test and see what it means first for the future economic character of the EEC and for Britain 's place within it .
8 To Mitchell belongs much of the credit for the creation of the railway system in the Highlands and for overcoming the formidable engineering problems of mountainous terrain , fast-flowing rivers , and treacherous peatbogs .
9 Evidence for the Burgundians and for the Franks suggests that neither group can be neatly categorized as either arian or catholic .
10 And whatever Councillor says , there was an inadequate period for that essential preparation , both within the directorate and for heads and teachers , to allow them to come to terms with what Local Manage of the schools meant .
11 Like any lender the buyer will wish to make a return as a reward for loss of use of the money and for the risk of non repayment when the loan expires .
12 So , I 'd an appointment in town at the hairdressers and for a legwax and that you do n't want to let yourself go I do n't want him to get back and catch me with my knickers down and my nail varnish all chipped …
13 Last week , the Montgomery County ( Maryland ) chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) , tired of waiting for the police to solve the case and for NIH to comment on the report , held a press conference to express its outrage at the events of the past seven months and to demand that the lives of those affected ‘ be made whole ’ .
14 Also held in the Main Database are a number of other tables used for the management of the text and for reporting .
15 From 1702–1711 he was also simultaneously Captain-General and Master-General of the Ordnance , responsible both for commanding the nation 's armies in the field and for its land defences against invasion .
16 * Look at the range of titles in the field and for topics which keep coming up .
17 He maintained that Mr. S. was responsible for the operation of the computer and for producing an invoice with that discount recorded upon it .
18 Most importantly , he is responsible for the business side of the election and for the oversight and eventual declaration of expenses .
19 In 1648 he was serving as a commissioner for the militia and for the collection of tax arrears in London , by which time he had also already branched out into commerce , being recorded as a shipowner .
20 The quality of items is decidedly variable and the author 's aim is clearly not to draw our attention to this , but this is an interesting book both for the illustrations and for the details of the private lives of the collectors featured .
21 There is an urgent need to improve the training of our young people to make them among the best trained in Europe , in the skills needed for industry , for the present and for the future .
22 So it is that even events from the distant past " were written down for our instruction " in order that in the present and for the future " by encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope " .
23 Anonymity lasted until 1967 in The Times and for nearly as long in parts of the other quality papers .
24 At the same time pipe ropes on to the lifebelts and for the anchor .
25 The Aridians , locked in their own war for survival against savage Mire Beasts , are in no position to oppose the Daleks and for a time the TARDIS crew are their prisoners .
26 The social stigma of alcoholism sees it as a disgrace rather than a disease that is beyond the control of the sufferer and for this reason ( and their own " denial " — which will be explained later ) friends and family may be reluctant to accept the true nature of the diagnosis .
27 Jones , is responsible for the servicing of the Hebdomadal Council ( the body charged with the ultimate responsibility ‘ for the administration of the University and for the management of its finances and property ’ ) , for a wide range of matters relating to the general administration of the University , and for various ad hoc inquiries and working parties .
28 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
29 So I mean put all this effort in the building and for the Queen they knock it down afterwards . ’
30 Before we go on to keep the , to look at the minutes and for the young people who were actually on the weekend in .
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