Example sentences of "by a [adj] government " in BNC.

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1 These were considerations that could not be ignored by a Conservative leader , Austen Chamberlain had been toppled in 1922 because he had not withdrawn from an unpopular coalition in time ; and one of the motives for the destruction of the Lloyd George coalition was a desire to replace it by a protectionist government .
2 Any serious problems with the new proposals could yet be addressed by the appointment of a designated minister and by a strong government commitment to raising the profile of mental health service planning within relevant government departments .
3 Montenegro 's young and go-ahead leadership , which came to power this year amid furious popular dissatisfaction with the ‘ old men in grey suits ’ , sponsored the gathering of Nicholas 's surviving relatives — the first ‘ royal reunion ’ organised by a Communist government .
4 Certainly the United States should be kept out of the Asian continent and it would be beneficial for the Korean peninsula to be ruled by a communist government .
5 But the brute fact of direct military action by a communist government outside its own territory was highly disturbing .
6 they do n't want to have some er official or or some management consultant who 's eager to get a job and get extra money paid for him by a dumb government department , if those people are going to tell us what sort of people we want on that on police authorities , I think it is total insolence and I trust that whatever happens to this Bill that that answer that was given on the 17th of January is removed and replaced by something else , if it has to be replaced at all .
7 A further decree in 1982 , this time initiated by a civilian government , reinforced state control of the banking and finance sectors and went a little way to encourage Nigerian capital to invest more in the manufacturing sector .
8 by a central Government of the Protectorate as a whole with no part of the country dominating any other part but all working together for the good of the whole Protectorate and the progress of its people .
9 By the same token , in contrast to the conversion of St James 's , Knatchbull Road , where 50 per cent of the cost of external repairs to this listed building was met by English Heritage , only 25 per cent of the cost of this work at All Saints was covered by a central government grant .
10 I he particular definition of confidential information in this Act is information given by a central government department on terms forbidding disclosure to the public , or information , the disclosure of which , is forbidden by statute or court order .
11 Then it seemed that the Lebanese civil war was one of those historical tragedies in which opposing communities fought themselves to a standstill only to be reconciled by a central government and foreign economic assistance .
12 There is no constitutional objection to a publicly owned enterprise being run by a central government department , in much the same way that the Prison Service is presently run by the Home Office .
13 This service is provided by a central government department in New Zealand , by the state governments in Australia , by local government in Britain , and by local ad hoc bodies in many parts of the United States and Canada ( Bowman and Hampton 1983 ) .
14 The Urban Development Corporations are the latest such devices , spawned by a central government which sees the local authorities as likely obstacles to local economic development .
15 Lump-sum grants from a central government stimulate greater local authority spending than would occur as a result of an equivalent cut in taxes by a central government .
16 It is true that rule-breaking is a national pastime in a country like Italy ; but that is a problem which is no doubt capable of being resolved by a European government with sufficient teeth .
17 These were followed by a Soviet Government decree on 28 June 1918 which nationalised all branches of industry .
18 Despite acknowledged differences between the two sides over the pace of Soviet economic reform and policy towards the Baltic republics , the meeting was hailed by a Soviet government spokesman as " an outstanding international event " .
19 The hon. Member for Holborn and St. Pancras ( Mr. Dobson ) had some difficulty about attributing this and therefore did not say that that eminent legislation was passed by a Liberal Government .
20 Liberals saw this as evidence that the dominions were more interested in going their own way , but Unionists retorted that Canada like Britain had been led astray by a radical government and that Canada 's decision was the result of Britain 's failure to offer preference .
21 The USA , France , Venezuela and Argentina denounced the coup and demanded Aristide 's return to power , a demand echoed by the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , despite the re-affirmation at its June assembly of its traditional position of non-intervention if proof was given by a new government that it had gained control of its internal affairs [ see p. 38286 ] .
22 This opened up the prospect of democracy being installed not by a bourgeois government but by ‘ a revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry ’ .
23 The crushing of the Austrian Socialists in February 1934 by a Catholic government ideologically close to the CEDA merely served to convince many Socialists , already acutely aware of the fate suffered by their Italian and German comrades , of the need to prepare for the worst .
24 It is an audacious transformation , managed by a confident government , and a reminder to Royal Commissions of the impotence of their prestige .
25 A UNILATERAL move by a Labour government to get rid of nuclear weapons could be reversed by a later administration , Gerald Kaufman , the party 's foreign affairs spokesman , argued yesterday as the Brighton conference swung behind a multilateral approach to disarmament .
26 ‘ A move by a Labour government to get rid of nuclear weapons without agreement internationally could be reversed by a non-Labour government for humankind can never unlearn how to make nuclear weapons — but a nuclear disarmament treaty signed on behalf of Britain by a Labour government could not be reversed . ’
27 ‘ A move by a Labour government to get rid of nuclear weapons without agreement internationally could be reversed by a non-Labour government for humankind can never unlearn how to make nuclear weapons — but a nuclear disarmament treaty signed on behalf of Britain by a Labour government could not be reversed . ’
28 A party spokesman then suggested that it would be ignored , saying : ‘ Future levels of defence spending will be considered by a Labour government solely in the context of implementing the policy review . ’
29 The financial framework and policy objectives would be set by a Labour government .
30 It should be remembered that there was no prosecution brought under the 1927 act right up to its repeal by a Labour government in 1946 .
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