Example sentences of "by a [adj] group " in BNC.

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1 Louis also gave valuable financial assistance to Charles during the Exclusion crisis which erupted in 1679 , assisting the English king to prevent an attempt by a powerful group of Protestant MPs to bar his Catholic brother James , Duke of York , from the succession .
2 They are managed by a joint group which includes the consultant , a principal psychologist and a social services specialist advisor .
3 Indeed , a report by a working group of the National Medical Consultative Committee in 1989 saw ‘ merit in the development in Scotland of the concept of inpatient care based on a ‘ mental health campus ’ ’ which would include units for assessment and short term care , medium to long term care , and special facilities for adults with behavioural problems due to brain damage combined with multiple physical disabilities .
4 At the International Geographical Union meeting in Montreal in 1972 the Arid Zone Commission was succeeded by a working group established to study desertification in and around arid lands with J.A .
5 A questionnaire on smoking in the Library is under preparation by a working group of the Health and Safety Committee — and they will shortly be seeking the views of staff on what could turn out to be a contentious issue .
6 The Council 's response is co-ordinated by a working group chaired by depute director of corporate services David Hume who was also the author of the three publications described in this feature : the Council 's main response on reform , the report on the future of water and sewerage services and ‘ Restoring the Balance ’ , a proposal for a system of decentralised local government .
7 Two additional documents dealing with safe working arrangements in clinical laboratories and mortuary rooms were published in 1991 , by a working group of the Health and Safety Commission 's Health Services Advisory Committee .
8 During 1990–1991 , national standards for assessors and verifiers were drafted by a working group of representatives from SCOTVEC and NCVQ , supported by the major English awarding bodies .
9 Changes in the laws on environmental liability " could have profound and adverse consequences for business across all sectors , " said the report by a working group chaired by Derek Wanless of National Westminster Bank .
10 A violent uprising by a Marxist-nationalist group , the JVP , was effectively but brutally crushed in 1989–90 .
11 In times of crisis , the organisation may need strong leadership by a central group of senior managers .
12 The exhibition will show a wide range of landscapes by a varied group of artists including Norman Adams , Tom Coates and Sandra Pepys .
13 The paper is titled ‘ Adhesion and Detachment of The Toe Pads of Tree Frogs ’ and was selected by a prominent group of twenty professional biologists for publication in The Journal of Experimental Biology .
14 Gary Stevens Animal — a new piece inspired by the ‘ comic , animal-like persona of Stan Laurel ’ , says Stevens somewhat enigmatically — will be premiered by a new group of artists and performers .
15 We legislate because we are put under great pressure by a new group of what I call eco-terrorists , who seek to press their opinions on politicians .
16 They do valuable work and are led by a good group of people .
17 The southern entrance to the Bay was protected by a fearsome group of rocks , Les Cardinals , to port and a treacherous shoal , Le Four , to starboard and , with the weather worsening , Admiral Conflans was confident Hawke would not dare to pursue him through this hazardous gap without the benefit of local pilots , but he had underrated both his adversary 's daring and his seamanship .
18 The Lao-Thai joint border committee ( formed in December 1988 — see p. 37090 ) , which convened in Vientiane on Jan. 4-6 , 1990 , heard the report on the results of a survey and inspection of the disputed Ban Rom Klao region , carried out by a technical group appointed by the committee in April 1989 [ ibid . ] .
19 Responsibility for the attack was later claimed by a pro-Iraqi group , the Movement for Djibouti Youth .
20 Labov 's interpretation of this irregularity is that it shows the Lower-middle class to be instrumental in diffusing a change throughout the speech community by adopting and emulating what is in fact an innovatory pattern introduced by a higher-status group ( Labov 1972a : 122 ) .
21 I want to say very generally that we have to avoid thinking about that sort of clash as an impossible dilemma , a blank , unintelligible conflict , a tribal row between unrelated moral principles each espoused by a separate group — a dispute that can only be settled by tribal warfare .
22 It recommended , in brief , that council members confine themselves to debating broad issues of social policy , leaving the professionals responsible for the detailed execution ; that there should be fewer committees and a management board of about seven council members supported by a corresponding group of chief officers to make most policy decisions on a corporate basis .
23 Of the two tables nearby , one was occupied by a mixed group of men and women , all young and casually clad , the other by two men , one with a beard and guernsey sweater in which , in this warm room , he must be sweltering and the other with thinning hair , bespectacled and somehow familiar .
24 It will use a similar technique to that currently being used by a Japanese group , which is monitoring solar neutrino reactions with water .
25 A novel approach has recently been developed by a Japanese group .
26 Last year environmentalists managed to stop a plan by a Japanese group to build a retirement home with a golf course attached on the top of Penang Hill , one of the few untouched areas on a fast developing island .
27 I had arrived for my first meeting with the North Downs Steam Railway which is managed by a friendly group of enthusiasts who are not prepared to be put off by a drop of rain , even if it was one of the heaviest storms of the summer .
28 The Campaign of Real Ale was started in the early 1970s by a small group of beer lovers who was appalled by the heavily promoted keg beers that threatened to replace traditional draught ales .
29 Bonds are underwritten and sold to investors by a small group of banks in return for a fee from the issuer .
30 The latter action was exclusively unofficial , and repudiated by the union , but it was widely known to be organised in secret by a small group of shop stewards .
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