Example sentences of "by the [n mass] in " in BNC.

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1 Walsall Museum and Art Gallery has developed an energetic and lively educational programme around the collection , encouraging primary school teachers to use it as a teaching aid for the national curriculum , starting up a printmaking course inspired by the works in the collection and offering prizes for the best short description of one of the works .
2 The expenses would also be reduced by the £400 in respect of the goods returned .
3 Asik became angry as he thought of all the people in his village who could have been saved by the fruit in the lorry which had just passed him , throwing up bucketfuls of dust into his face .
4 In the final condition , the mother was hidden behind a metal screen so that she could neither see nor be seen by the pair in the observation room .
5 The phototransistor picks up the light emitted by the l.e.d. in the transmitter section and converts it into an analogue electrical signal .
6 Working-class women , particularly , may see few relatives but they see them more often , a fact not revealed by the data in table 6.7 .
7 However , intensive prenatal health care , higher education of women , good economic opportunities in rural areas as well as the disappearance of rural-urban socio-economic differences , while maintaining healthy environmental and work conditions , may reverse the situation , as it is shown by the data in Table 12 .
8 This is also the situation represented by the data in Table 17.1 .
9 The first two generalizations are borne out by the data in Table 5.2 .
10 When he looked at the tremendous penalty borne by the aircraft in regard to the armour plating carried , the first thing to go was a huge ½″ thick slab that could have graced Fort Knox , but which protected the W/Op and the cabin crew , and that must have weighed several hundred pounds .
11 an assertion of realism is the first recourse of any oppressed group wishing to combat the ideology promulgated by the media in the interests of hegemonic power .
12 Because they made a crap single called ‘ We Do n't Need This Fascist Groove Thang ’ , another case of right sentiments , horrible attitude , and because they included ex-members of The Human League , League 17 were patronised heavily by the media in the early '80s .
13 This is a system of self censorship followed by the media in security matters .
14 A mystery surrounded his death which was assiduously played up by the media in suggesting every kind of melodramatic possibility , the favourite being that poor Hugh Gaitskell had been stabbed with the sharp ferrule of an umbrella , the end of which had been treated with some poisonous concoction .
15 The objective of the research is to explore a new and distinctive area of investigation within the field of social policy — the role played by the media in shaping and reflecting those policies .
16 The contrast between the treatment of the nationalists by the media in Wales and Scotland is marked .
17 More money , better staffing , better buildings and less control by the people in charge would result .
18 They would be noticeable for a few days after passing into the camp , unfamiliar faces asking the way to the lavatories , or being excused washing-up by the people in whose rooms they had been placed .
19 In a survey of a ‘ closed ’ institution such as a prison or a firm the informants may be instructed to co-operate with interviewers because of agreement about the survey by the people in authority , but in many instances of samples from the general population no such authority exists and surveyors must try to obtain co-operation as best they can by interesting the informants in the survey and gaining their completely free co-operation .
20 Among these will be the definitions held by the people involved as to what the primary task of the enterprise is , how its relationships to its environment are conceived by the people in their roles , what uses they make of technologies ‘ and the needs of the members for social and psychological satisfaction , and , above all , for support in the task of dealing with anxiety ’ ( Menzies , 1970 ) .
21 There was little vocal participation by the people in the Mass , and such music as they used was generally in the context of other services or ‘ devotions ’ .
22 Even if his New Jerusalem were ever built it would be executed and administered by the people in this city .
23 According to this view the existence of stable or viable democracy in a particular society depends primarily upon certain values being held by the people in that society ; that is to say , upon the existence of an underlying consensus , or , as it was sometimes called , a common value system .
24 Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that there will be outrage tonight in my constituency and in that of my hon. Friend the Member for Falkirk , East ( Mr. Ewing ) at his betrayal of the trust that has been placed in that hospital by the people in its care ?
25 The People 's Chamber consists of 400 deputies , who are elected for a term of four years by the people in a free , general , equal , direct and secret election . "
26 ‘ It is certainly appreciated by the people in France and Germany . ’
27 The plan will vary according to the types of problem identified and the therapeutic approaches favoured by the staff in the ward .
28 Besides the Supplement , now being completed , a wide range of dictionaries and related reference books is edited by the staff in the Department at 37a St. Giles ' .
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