Example sentences of "by the [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , to discriminate the effect on gall bladder pressure of changes in systemic glood pressure induced by the NO synthase inhibitors , the vasopressor agent phenylephrine ( 10 µg/kg/min , Roig Farma ) was infused intravenously into anaesthetised guinea pigs and changes in both systemic and intralumina gall bladder pressure were measured .
2 By contrast , D-arginine did not reverse the pressor effects induced by the NO synthase inhibitors .
3 Data presented here indicate that ( a ) resting gall bladder pressure and contractions induced by both CCK-8 and bethanechol are enhanced by inhibition of the NO synthase ( shown by our in vivo and in vitro experiments ) ; ( b ) these effects are specifically reversed by the NO synthase substrate L-arginine ; ( c ) sodium nitroprusside , an exogenous donor of NO , counteracts the effect of CCK-8 on gall bladder pressure ; and ( d ) a constitutive calcium dependent NO synthase can be detected in normal gall bladder tissue .
4 We found that sodium nitroprusside given before CCK produced a shiftin the pressure dose-response curve of the gall bladder that was opposite to that produced by the NO synthase inhibitors .
5 They er di the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
6 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
7 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
8 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
9 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
10 The small but select exhibition , marking the bravery and sacrifices of the armed forces and civilians , has been put together by the the Teesside branch of the Dunkirk Veterans Association which has 83 active members .
11 Er as a result of that , Lord Scarman was appointed by the the government to look into the problems .
12 It may be said at once that the earlier date , adopted by the the editor of the Istanbul edition of Asikpasazade and Danismend , may safely be ruled out , not only through the evidence of Molla Yegan 's involvement with Molla Gurani but also on the basis of an anecdote about him related in the tenth volume of the history by Kemalpasazade ( d. 940/1534 ) .
13 But what 's certain to hit motorists hardest of all would be the extra congestion caused by the the imposition of VAT on public transport .
14 The integration effort has been aided by the the fact that the majority of C&W 's large data networks are already based on Northern Telecom switches anyway .
15 Okay and just one th I do n't know who 's responsible for the area by the the washing hose .
16 At the same time it , I mean the countries wo , have been crippled by the the burden of er defence if you like and we 'll call it defence .
17 But I think that was when I was in the sea holding on to the bit of foam , and more or less just let myself float under the water , but me arm was round the top of the bit of foam , on the surface , and I think it got burnt by the the heat off the platform then .
18 By the the time I was 28 I had achieved dad 's wish and then I was dabbling with point-to-pointers .
19 Thanks Bryn I think you 've proved the point really by the the length of these meetings .
20 There were problems a few years ago when it first started with th the initial contract which was was won by the the County 's own direct service organization and now it seems we 're having a repeat of of those problems .
21 I look back now and think we are actually still doing that , not in the military aspect , in civvy street , we 've got people , real nice people , you talk to them on the street and you get them at the kill and the hackles go up , you can see the adrenalin pumping round their body , you can see the kind of excitement in their eyes and you can see the terrier men grabbing by the the scruff of the neck , bleeding and then throwing .
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