Example sentences of "by the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The variables and definitions for 1981 will differ from those in 1991 , as described above ; it would obviously be desirable if the 1981 Census sample were organised by the same geographical zones , and the same codings of variables as that for 1991 .
2 Now if ‘ I can only be known by description , and the only description which is true of it is ‘ that group of mental states , caused by the same living body ’ of which the envy and my judgement are members ' , it follows that anyone who does not describe ‘ I ’ in that way , will not know what ‘ I ’ means , and so will mean nothing when he says ‘ I was envious yesterday ’ .
3 And she could have sworn that , after the first second or two , he had been caught up by the same strong feeling .
4 Since women 's role in politics will be restricted by the same male attitudes which militate against equality in the home , the Christian churches will continue to be particularly attractive to them .
5 In the tumult which ensued , the terrified monks made their escape , only to find their way blocked by the same young lord with fifty knights , who threatened them with death .
6 The alternative is subjectively to rank all-comers : so participants were also asked to assess British companies in any industry , not just their own , by the same eight criteria — a question not asked in 1989 .
7 Two Mirages , said the allies , were shot down — both by the same Saudi fighter .
8 After a 12 hour fast , detailed upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed by the same two well trained endoscopists , using an Olympus GIF-XQ endoscope .
9 Counts were always performed by the same two independent observers .
10 Parents turn up to see their own children doing something so attendance is bound to fall off if the major parts in the service are always taken by the same one or two children .
11 WITH its lacy bargeboards and dramatic finials echoing the original features of this Norfolk rectory , it 's difficult to imagine the conservatory was n't built by the same Victorian craftsmen .
12 Even beyond this , cells communicate with each other by the same general mechanisms in all animals and plants and even slime moulds .
13 This does not necessarily mean that a diversity of penal aims is ruled out , but each of the different aims must be justified by the same general philosophy if our position is to be coherent .
14 It has been a matter of controversy whether the non-associative kinds of learning are really learning at all , and if so , whether they do not really take place by the same general mechanisms as associative learning .
15 The colouring of the mosaics was almost identical and , although the guilloche of the former is simpler , they are both enclosed by the same outer border of white " T " shapes on a red background .
16 The RECHAR programme is covered by the same European Commission regulations as the structure funds in general .
17 Meet The Feebles ( 18 ) is a smutty satire on the Muppet show , written and performed by the same New Zealanders who made the enjoyably gross sci-fi romp , Bad Taste .
18 Admittedly , he was not driven by the same devoutly mercenary ambitions of some of his colleagues and sought artistic satisfaction wherever possible .
19 They are all , however , designed to work by the same physiological principles , and on this basis they have common components .
20 But people will probably only all co-operate when they are all threatened by the same external
21 Thus the industrial relations outcomes of external pressures on state enterprises will be filtered through existing industrial relations structures ( which may themselves have been partly determined by the same external pressures ) .
22 Even survey data gathered by the same multinational company might differ significantly between one country and another .
23 Direct admissions of study children to the district hospital were also notified to the physician for assessment , monitoring , and treatment by the same standard treatment protocols .
24 Sterilisation operations are governed by the same legal requirements as any other operation , that is the patient should give informed permission for the procedure that is to be carried out .
25 And a health board inquiry centring on several allegations of abuse against teenage male students by the same Catholic priest is also being carried out .
26 A little house , surrounded by the same black trees , at the foot of which , his chops on the whited steps , his sinuous length curved around its corner in a dragon-clasp , the long wolf lay , whose hairs were cut in harmony with the incisive feathering of the trees .
27 Does the Minister agree that , as Northern Ireland has the fewest days lost through stoppages or industrial action and is governed by the same industrial relations legislation as Great Britain , it should be in a special position to attract inward investment ?
28 I wonder what Ministry will provoke in the kids here inside this Berlin dope den — are they as consumed by the same perverse taste for blood as myself ?
29 It is possible that supplies may have reached them by the same inner Asian route by which they imported jade and turquoise and exported silk .
30 Was n't she motivated by the same inner compulsion , the urge to forge ahead ?
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