Example sentences of "by [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually when one has had enough , he signals submission by contracting the pigment in one set of cells and expanding that in another so that his flank patterns change and he hoists the flag of surrender .
2 He did it in the classic manner , by pitching the ball well up and bowling very , very quickly , and the fact that he needed help from his colleagues for only two of those wickets shows just how accurate he was .
3 By pitching the ball up and bowling in the channel he makes his opponent hit back along the line of the approaching delivery and play the ball into the ‘ V ’ — the arc of the field which lies between extra cover on the off side and a straightish mid-wicket on the leg side .
4 Quite simply , the peaks and troughs can be evened out by forecasting the number that can be permitted to be away in each grade at any given week which is a simple mathematical exercise .
5 This principal character is a " " poure scoler " " ( 3190 ) , a " " clerk " " ( 3199 ) , liable , therefore , to be living by his wits , including , it is hinted ( 3191 – 6 ) , by forecasting the weather on the strength of his astrology .
6 You can do it by scrubbing the Navy .
7 A central part of my argument , then , is that a major step can be made simply by relocating the issue of child abuse into the mainstream of child care research , policy and practice .
8 Now the Americans have fired a warning shot over Europe by tripling the duty on some EC imports .
9 But in 1921 the King 's personal physician , Lord Dawson , stunned his profession alike and delighted the press by praising the morality of family limitation and warning Church leaders that they risked losing a whole generation by their unrealistic pronouncements ; an example followed in 1925 when the next King 's physician , Sir H. Rolliston , Regius Professor of Physick at Cambridge , became president of a new family-planning clinic .
10 Many skippers over-simplify the role of a captain by praising the role of their team-mates and coaching staff .
11 There is no fire in the grate ; the King economizes on napkins by tucking the table cloth around his neck .
12 Like mammals , birds have taste buds only on their tongues , and smell by sniffing the air .
13 By sniffing the air , a dog can tell the sexual condition of any bitch in the neighbourhood and , if let loose , will follow the scent lure of a female on heat .
14 They can even distinguish the scent of other human beings by sniffing the ground where they may have walked .
15 We further demonstrate our human uniqueness by cooking the meat .
16 We concluded by singing the carol O Come all ye Faithful and I gave them a blessing .
17 Mr. Miller , of whom I must always retain the highest sense , both for the Knowledge I have received from his Labours , and more particularly that Friendship and Communicativeness with which he always treated me , was blessed with a more favourable Situation in the progress of his Experiments , by enjoying the kind Influence of the Sun ( the parent of Vegetation ) in so high a Degree as to have the Vine in full ripeness on the natural Wall , without the assistance of Art ; and could we all experience the same Felicity , I need not have communicated my Observations or my Countrymen wanted an other Tutor …
18 The proposed community , to be established on the banks of the Susquehannah river in New England , would consist of twelve men and women , and would sustain itself by farming the land .
19 Mundiford supplemented his stipend by farming the glebeland , and grew two orchards .
20 After these initial experiments have been explored , performance may be improved and the range greatly extended by channelling the light from the l.e.d through the optical fibre .
21 The raid devastated Hitler 's strategically vital industrial zone in the Ruhr by breaching the Eder and Molne dams .
22 On 14 October 1991 Mr. Butler had been found guilty of contempt of court by breaching the injunction granted on 12 September 1991 and was sentenced to four weeks in prison , the sentence being suspended for six months .
23 What happens where the police flout the rules , for example by breaching the code or by denying a solicitor in a trivial case or by refusing access on grounds which are manifestly outside the statute and the code ?
24 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
25 The network is designed to enhance Europe 's international competitiveness by encouraging the transfer of new ideas and technology to industry .
26 The obvious place to begin was by encouraging the evolution of the current native authorities into something which bore a greater resemblance to English local government .
27 UDCs are primarily intended to secure the regeneration of their designated areas by bringing land and buildings into effective use ; by encouraging the development of existing and new industry and commerce ; by creating an attractive environment ; and by ensuring that housing and social facilities are available to encourage people to live and work in the area .
28 Many local authorities are attempting to improve the economic prospects of their localities by encouraging the development and growth of small businesses .
29 The once-and-for-all improvement in women 's relative pay associated with the enactment of equal pay legislation seems to have affected the female labour force indirectly by encouraging the deferment of childbearing in the mid-1970s .
30 Of course there are ethical problems here but , in the absence of these control experiments , it might be that light is exerting its effect by some other means , say , by encouraging the patient to become more active .
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