Example sentences of "by [art] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 These are prepared by Counsel in a Court of Session action or by the solicitors in a Sheriff Court action , on the basis of the evidence on the insurance file .
2 The Australian group said it believed that Pearl , ‘ if left to itself , will continue the long-term downward trend in its market position and is unlikely to meet the challenges presented by the developments in the UK and European life insurance markets . ’
3 Appearing before a Senate committee that was pondering ‘ the general area ’ of China and its implications , an official of the State Department said of the fund : ‘ It might be used in other areas of the Far East which are affected by the developments in China .
4 The literary essay is a species always on the edge of extinction , and ( unlike most endangered species ) it is threatened most by the professionals in the field .
5 Consequently , cooperation was defined by the professionals in terms that allowed them , in the words of the community nurse , to ‘ intervene within the family and explore deficits in the parenting role ’ .
6 The value then of a political product ( produced of course by the professionals in the political field ) is dependent on two factors : ( 1 ) the symbolic capital of the political agent and his/her party ( political-symbolic capital includes the holding of party posts and the holding of local and less major national offices ; its maximization entails hyperconformity to social norms ) and ( 2 ) the extent to which these political symbols ( Bourdieu likens them to ‘ signifiers ’ ) corresponds to the interests and central meanings ( ‘ signifieds ’ ) of stratified consumers in the social .
7 Information about the employees will be requested either by the accountants in compiling their report , or by the lawyers in their pre-contract enquiries and disclosure against warranties .
8 Between 1985 and 1987 the leading Shiite militia , Amal , attacked the south Beirut refugee camps with the same ferocity which had characterized attacks by the Maronites in the preceding phase of civil war .
9 Russia proposed that it be regarded as the successor state of the Soviet Union in respect of the START treaty , but this was finally rejected by the others in April [ see p. 38890 ] .
10 To a great extent a manufacturer 's choice of distributive intermediaries is governed by the members in that channel .
11 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were proved to be a forgery by The Times in 1921 and this went some way to defuse the growth of anti-semitic tendencies within the wider political culture .
12 After the lifting of the Berlin blockade imposed by the Soviets in 1948 despite the Four Power agreement , the two Germanys were formally established as separate republics .
13 Mr Dubcek , 70 , whose reforms were crushed by the Soviets in 1968 , was being driven in a car which plunged into a ravine near Prague .
14 There are those who argue that it was the desperate attempts made by the Soviets in the last decade and a half to match the US , especially in Star Wars research and development , which brought about the economic collapse that dismantled the communist monolith .
15 This being established , the question becomes : at what stage is the information said to be known by the groups in question ?
16 When the electric field is released , the dipoles can relax back into a random orientation , but , due to the frictional resistance experienced by the groups in the bulk polymer this will not be instantaneous .
17 I hope that it is not too perfunctory a way of dealing with this interesting point to say that in my opinion it is comprehensively answered by the judgments in Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd. v. Maxwell [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 991 which Mr. Rawley , for the defendants , brought to your Lordships ' attention .
18 Glaspie , who subsequently left her State Department post for a teaching job , claimed that a taped record of these discussions as released by the Iraqis in September 1990 [ see p. 37696 ] was effectively " a fabrication " , having been cut and doctored to discredit her .
19 Although this sounds like propaganda , the memory of chemical warfare waged by the Iraqis in the Gulf war is too recent for it to be dismissed .
20 By the dwellers in cities — ever , however , implacable ,
21 Agricultural details were a nice reciprocal touch : the Hind helicopters , with which the Sandinistas were destroying the contras , had allegedly been shipped in by the Russians in crates labelled agricultural produce .
22 Vassall was recognised at once by the Russians in Moscow as a homosexual and blackmailed .
23 When the tunnel was ‘ discovered ’ by the Russians in 1956 an inquiry was held within MI6 and also the Gehlen organisation to determine if there had been a leak to warn the Russians .
24 At best it was either a publicity stunt designed help sell third-rate books or a neat piece of disinformation put out by the Russians in order to sow confusion amongst the West 's intelligence agencies .
25 The other plaques on this wall refer to Dukla which was an important pass eventually taken by the Russians in 1944 during their advance into Czechoslovakia .
26 He was finally captured by the Russians in the vicious street fighting in Berlin in April 1945 .
27 The recorded history of Siberia begins ( apart from some references in early Chinese works ) with its invasion by the Russians in the late sixteenth century .
28 This need for verbal intelligibility was recognized not only by the Reformers in the Lutheran hymns and Calvinist psalm-settings but by the semi-Reformers ( Cranmer 's view that the musical setting of his translation of the liturgy in 1544 should ‘ not be full of notes , but , as near as may be , for every syllable a note , so that it may be sung distinctly and devoutly ’ ) and the Counter-Reformers ( the direction of the Council of Trent in 1562 that the words of the Mass ‘ should be uttered clearly and perfectly , and sink quietly into the ears and hearts of the hearers ’ , not with music ‘ contrived for the empty delight of the ears ’ ) .
29 There were also several differences between the profile of known Wirral heroin users and the ‘ new ’ heroin users described by the surveys in other parts of the UK during the 1980s .
30 Those of the arms are particularly interesting because the fists are either clenched or the fingers flattened thus the lines and shapes made only appear slightly rounded by the folds in the sleeves .
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