Example sentences of "by [noun sg] [pers pn] will " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , if a question is asked exactly as it appears here and you give an answer which has clearly been prepared in advance and learned off by heart you will not be very convincing .
2 By contrast you will appear all the more reasonable .
3 And I think they 're actually picking out a particular area for a report is is not necessarily good practice. , erm I think we can identify er those areas piece by piece we will go through them , they can be brought forward to a variety of areas .
4 Travelling by coach you will pass through the flower carpet fields to the Franz Roozen Nurseries where you will discover the art of growing flowers and perhaps order your own bulbs which will be delivered to you for planting in the autumn .
5 By return we will rush you your membership details , plus the latest copy of Lotus User Forum , and enrol you immediately for free technical support from our product experts .
6 If you pay by cash you will normally obtain a receipt as proof of payment .
7 Aye , by God you will , Joe . ’
8 In the future , the time may come when we need that land back again for growing food , but if the top-soil has been damaged by development it will be worse than useless .
9 In spite of its deleterious side-effects , if a segregation distorter arises by mutation it will surely tend to spread through the population .
10 Being governed more by fear than by guilt they will be unable to control their impulses when their parents — or other authorities — are absent .
11 By morning it will have moved towards the part of my body that needs healing . ’
12 Start collecting our superb free Gardeners ' Manual and month by month it will build into a reference book you will turn to time and time again .
13 Start collecting our superb free Gardeners ' Manual and month by month it will build into a reference book you will want to return to time and time again .
14 By dinnertime you will be back to your old self , quite normal . ’
15 By dawn it will be down to 8 celsius .
16 By dawn you will have slept again
17 I can not explain this sentiment unless it was that I observed that the members of the household appeared not to have perfectly learned their parts and also that having seen and known the Emperor for so many years in such a totally different position , his present one looked like a dream or a play ; but when each actor becomes acclimatized by time it will be a magnificent Court , with a Sovereign who will command the attention of all Europe .
18 Where we are unable to deal with a case by negotiation we will issue court proceedings .
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