Example sentences of "by [v-ing] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He met this challenge by manufacturing a sense of drama through his theatrical style of rule and through his ambitious policies .
2 A graduate student in mechanical engineering is president of a company which last year made $1 million by manufacturing a machine that cleans and decontaminates microprocessor chips for Silicon Valley 's semiconductor firms .
3 Students therefore learn by accumulating a bank of correct patterns of language and gain confidence to use their knowledge in a range of situations .
4 During the heyday of the fair it was the right of every villager to brew and sell his own beer , and he advertised the fact by hanging a branch or piece of greenery over his door .
5 Ordinary kitchens are ‘ customised ’ by hanging a choice of door styles onto a standard frame , a practice known as ‘ front-framing ’ .
6 Feed them by hanging a piece of raw meat ( or chopped worm ) on a length of thread .
7 An outside cistern could be kept from freezing by hanging a light bulb near it and leaving it on all the time .
8 Working out the length of guttering can be done at ground level ; calculate the length of downpipe by hanging a string from the existing gutters or downpipe .
9 If a module is offline , you may request it to be brought back online by generating a request to read it from LIFESPAN using one of the options in index 1.3.0 — Read or Enter Modules .
10 There several ways of generating electron beams under vacuum : by stripping electrons from a hot filament ; utilizing field effect or corona discharge from metal points ; or by generating a plasma across a low pressure gas using a cold metal cathode disc .
11 Limit to what you can get by gobblin' a guy 's raw brain .
12 It can help the softer sort by encouraging a variant of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe .
13 The ideologically bankrupt leadership in Beijing now seeks to take advantage of this mood , hoping to dissipate the effect of outside criticism by encouraging a chauvinist rejection of foreign interference .
14 The creation of a currency union by encouraging a shift of resources back to the manufacturing sectors is likely to result in an increase of the average productivity growth rate of member countries and , again , in a decline of their respective natural rates of unemployment .
15 Pollution levels in the city centre have been shown to be dangerously high , and these can only be reduced by encouraging a switch to more environment-friendly modes of transport .
16 Liberals generally sought to defend the family by promoting education and temperance and by opposing the Contagious Diseases Acts ; Conservatives pursued similar aims by encouraging a host of voluntary and philanthropic organisations , which worked to instil habits of sobriety and respectability in the working class .
17 This can be done either in person or , for the shrinking violets among you , by submitting a cassette of your strums and widdles to : .
18 At the time that these discussions were taking place , SCOTVEC had embarked upon its Advanced Courses Development Programme , and the college therefore seized the opportunity to meet these local training needs by submitting a proposal for a unitised HNC in Computer Aided Engineering .
19 Former Federal Judge Frederick B. Lacey ended his investigation into the " Iraqgate " scandal by submitting a report on Dec. 9 which concluded that it was not necessary to appoint a special prosecutor to examine the affair .
20 The program may be run in batch mode by submitting a command file .
21 The program may be run in batch mode by submitting a command file .
22 Light Railway & Tramway Journal says the following : ‘ The S.M.E.T. made a new departure on Tuesday by inaugurating a Tramway Parcels Express , in connection with the service of cars between Tooting and Penge , Croydon and Wallington , Carshalton , Sutton and Mitcham .
23 He hoped that the government would set an example to the nation by inaugurating a period of change , but he did not believe that the estates of the realm should be given extensive political rights or that the power of the tsar should be dramatically reduced .
24 The Christian Democrats did even better than the Socialists in the election ( 25.5 per cent ) , partly by proving a refuge for conservatives .
25 Bristol 's new development initiative is set to build on this strong foundation by financing a range of projects that support four distinct categories :
26 Now say a sentence which finishes by naming a member of the Royal Family : ‘ Have you ever been introduced to — - . ? ’
27 THE landlord of the Bear Inn caused a row by naming a donkey derby he was sponsoring ‘ The Bear Ass Stakes . ’
28 Checks are carried out to ensure that the name of the root package and any sub-packages to be created are unique ; sub-package module names and filenames are derived from the root package module name and filename by appending a letter ( A-Z ) or digit combination ( 0–9 ) .
29 The Government and security forces will continue to meet their responsibility to bring terrorism to an end within the rule of law by pursuing a firm and resolute security policy and by working for progress in the political , economic and social fields .
30 She says of the building societies : ‘ How dare they ignore the real needs of loyal customers by pursuing a marketing ploy which only benefits a few .
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