Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Usually she tried to evade such duties , by hanging around in the bathroom or in her bedroom ; she loathed the tedious , repetitive business of the house .
2 By fumbling around in his desk until the others had lined up for dinners , Frankie managed to avoid the harsher ridicule of those in his class who were free of head-lice .
3 FIRST Daughter Chelsea Clinton , 12 , is following the hottest trend in footwear by stepping out in Birkenstocks .
4 Attaingnant lost no time in following the examples of Petrucci and Antico by bringing out in 1529 a Tres breue et familiere introduction pour entendre et apprendre … a iouer toutes chansons reduictes en la tablature du Lutz , containing among other things seven of Claudin 's songs from the Chansons nouvelles … a quatre parties of the previous year , now arranged both for lute solo and for voice with lute accompaniment .
5 Mayeur Vaccin who 's one of the gendarmes from Lilles says by careering around in go karts on miniature road systems , the children appreciate the other side of the story .
6 But both had to give way to Larne AC 's flying doctor Peter Howie who produced his best ever run by storming through in the closing stages to grab the runner up spot .
7 ‘ There 's a bloke here , junior minister of something or other , urging old people to cut fuel costs and keep warm by dressing up in newspapers . ’
8 Micrografx staff drew attention to themselves by wandering around in gear stolen from the Mexican extras in a spaghetti western .
9 Moreover , when a lorry can drive up to 600 miles ( 960 km ) on a single tank of fuel , longhaul drivers can avoid paying British diesel taxes by filling up in France .
10 The economy introduced by the suffix notation may be illustrated by writing out in full as follows Now the direction of dS in the coordinate axes ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) is given by the direction cosines .
11 This position is of course and the differential dXi is given by as may be verified by writing out in full the expression in square brackets .
12 The possible phonemic function of each allophonic description found by HWIM 's Acoustic Phonetic Recognizer was scored by looking up in a long term confusion matrix the vector of 71 phoneme labels that could be associated with the segment 's feature description .
13 Polybius again went a step further by passing over in silence the Roman Bacchanalia which chronologically and typologically can hardly be separated from the new popularity of Dionysus in Egypt about 210 B.C. He was also silent about the religious crisis in Rome during the second Punic War : we do not hear from him about the human sacrifices of that time .
14 Ramsay himself did not know this Ettrick Forest area so well as the main Middle and East Marches ; but from the route the usurper had taken from Moffat , it looked as though he was heading either for the mid-Tweed or Teviot dales — although he could have reached the former more easily by turning off in the Broughton area of Tweedsmuir .
15 Coceres , who had begun the day three shots behind overnight leader David Gilford , made up one shot on the European Ryder Cup man by going out in 33 .
16 In our culture , which sets such a high premium on self-enrichment ( in every sense ) , the robust , emotive and expressive aspects of soul act as a sort of therapy , helping us to ‘ liberate ’ ourselves by getting back in touch with ourselves , opening up , unblocking , becoming more functional and therefore ( it runs ) more ‘ free ’ .
17 Almost immediately , the birds in the angsana responded by flying out in a flock , showing what I took to be anxiety by sinking to the ground and then rapidly rising again .
18 However , he can start by moving off in the direction of the local vector itself , and in this case parallel transport is well defined .
19 It is sad to have to make a living by grubbing around in the dirt of a national calamity . ’
20 Explore the life and world of Robin Hood by travelling back in time and sampling the sights and sounds of medieval Nottingham .
21 ‘ Then let 'em come , ’ Lambert said , ‘ and we 'll keep the war warm for ‘ em , but for God 's sake do n't tell me I 'm helping to knacker the Kaiser by farting around in a clapped-out one-gun flying coffin , because I 've seen too much of it . ’
22 Parliament never voted enough money for a naval war with the Netherlands to be decisively successful , so the most substantial result of the anti-Dutch policy was that in 1664 the English seized New Amsterdam , and kept it in the 1668 peace negotiations by handing over in exchange the English colony of Surinam in Guiana .
23 Er , the forty , fifty sites in and around the urban area , and in villages were looked at in detail , as Mr Frost said , by tramping around in terms of of of I think er twelve criterium , although the part of er York City Council 's erm er evidence .
24 Some , like the stonefish , are inconspicuous , while others flaunt their chemical power by sailing around in bright colours that dare you to touch them .
25 If they moved against him as if he were a common criminal , he would retaliate by standing up in court and defending himself .
26 Attempting to leave , he was surprised by a Spanish guarda-costa , but escaped capture by making off in a sloop previously taken by the Spaniard which he and his gang seized under cover of night .
27 Because he had not bothered to draw the curtains there was a trembling mosaic of light on the ceiling reflected from the water outside and , by sitting up in bed , he could see out of the window across the harbour to Flushing .
28 The following week , several hundred people arrived to obstruct the continuing work of the bulldozers by sitting down in front of them , climbing into the buckets of mechanical diggers and occupying the hole they had begun to excavate .
29 Someone of my acquaintance once broke her ankle by falling over in the bathroom and while she could have dragged herself quite easily along the floor to a telephone in the bedroom if she had had one , as it was it took her the best part of an agonising hour to struggle down the stairs to the phone in the living room .
30 Without such a measure , professionals in education and health can ignore government plans by setting up in private practice wherever they choose , with the active support of other sections of society .
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