Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pers pn] by " in BNC.

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1 ended Ushaw recent good run by defeating them by 63 runs .
2 The count alleged that the seneschal 's lieutenant entered the hall of the castle at Vic-de-Bigorre with the dean of Le Puy , and treated him in an inexcusably unmannerly fashion by seizing him by his clothing and expelling him and his household familia from the place .
3 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
4 They held that there is a limited set of fundamental ethical terms , such as good , bad , right , wrong , ought , duty , such that you can not explain what one of them amounts to except either by appealing to intuition of some simple non-natural property , or relation , to which it refers or by defining it by way of some other ethical term of which this is true .
5 Any proceeds in year 1 are also present values , but those in succeeding years are discounted by multiplying them by the fraction given at the appropriate year in the chosen rate of interest column in the tables .
6 Any proceeds in year 1 are also present values , but those in succeeding years are discounted by multiplying them by the fraction given at the appropriate year in the chosen rate of interest column in the tables .
7 Notice that effectively the spectrum of the unit step function has been derived by multiplying it by a factor which makes the Fourier integral converge .
8 Never act unfairly to a prisoner by coaxing him by word or conduct to divulge anything .
9 For example , the deployment of explosive rats where they would do the most good , or harm ( in wartime the two may be synonymous ) was aided by accompanying them by leaflets saying that the British were delivering rats infected with bubonic plague and the best thing to do with them , if found , was to throw them into a furnace .
10 12.1 Any notice , document or request falling to be given or served under this Agreement may be given or served by sending it by registered post or certified mail , postage pre-paid , or by tested telex or facsimile transmission to : in the case of
11 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
12 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
13 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
14 A summons must be served on a limited company by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , the registered office pursuant to s 725(1) of the Companies Act , 1985 .
15 Where a company is registered in Scotland a summons may be served on it by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , its principal place of business in England or Wales addressed to the manager or head officer and by further posting a copy to the registered office ( s 725(2) and ( 3 ) Companies Act 1985 ) .
16 A writ can still be served on a limited company by sending it by first class post to the registered office , but following the Practice Direction ( QBD ) ( Service of Documents : First and Second Class Mail ) ( 1985 ) 8 March [ 1985 ] 1 WLR 489 the presumption will be of service on the second working day after posting by first class post or the fourth working day after posting by second class post .
17 Oh sorry so that 's that 's what it 's what it 's about so what we want to do then over these next two days is to develop the skills of design and delivery and will allow us to do that allow us to improve our performance despite the fact that we do have the nerves and by practice by doing it by putting yourself in the situation where you have to make a presentation and almost as one chap said one time sitting there actually with your sitting there remembering he said actually volunteer to make presentations to the other people there .
18 I think he might maybe he does n't do it like that , maybe he does it by saying it by God bless at the end of his broadcast , or appearing in the Gulf with a polo necked jumper .
19 I refused to have a mastectomy and I see now in terms of theory , that I was stagemanaged at various points on the production line , into trying to turn me into a well-behaved patient by traumatising me by saying ‘ If you do n't do what we tell you … ’ or ‘ You 're being very naughty ’ or ‘ You 're being hysterical ’ , or ‘ We have n't got time to deal with all these questions , we 'd never get round ’ , and so on .
20 We hope that as your Medau News — with its views , information and diary of events — comes through your letter box this September , you will agree that by receiving it by direct mail is a better system than sharing a few copies round from class member to class member .
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