Example sentences of "by [noun prp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , given the importance attached by Williamson to efficiency , there is no clear treatment of the tradeoffs that might be necessary between short-term and long-term efficiency .
2 The 80,000,000 yen in bribes was part of a total of more than 500,000,000 yen allegedly given by Kyowa to Abe , some of which appeared to have found its way directly into the coffers of the Miyazawa faction without having been registered under the political funds control law .
3 Only the patience of FIFA last night prevented an indefinite worldwide ban being imposed on him at midnight because of transfer monies still owed by Sevilla to Napoli .
4 Franz Dornseiff — a German scholar who proved his courage and independence in difficult times — tried hard to persuade us that it was in fact authentic Greek poetry of the sixth century B.C. He also tried to show that a long description of the Jews attributed by Photius to Hecataeus of Miletus was really composed by this late sixth-century writer , and not ( as is generally admitted ) by the younger Hecataeus of Abdera who lived after Alexander .
5 ‘ Goat stinks , ’ said Camille , for it was not so long since she had been frequently taken by Connie to children 's zoos where these creatures — mostly nannies and kids — were considered suitably sized and disposed to mingle briefly with the children of men .
6 The opposition Social Democrats even urge the recall of the 18 elderly Alpha jets already sent by Germany to Turkey , and demand a Gulf ceasefire .
7 Two other records of grants of land in Kent by Offa to Archbishop Jaenberht , dated 774 ( CS 213 : S 110 ; CS 214 , 215 : S 111 ) , are of doubtful authenticity .
8 A grant of land by Offa to St Augustine 's , Canterbury ( CS 207 : S 140 ) , for which the date 772 has been proposed , could , even if genuine , be much later .
9 It must be stressed that if the record of a lease of land by Offa to Oswald , bishop of the South Saxons , in 772 ( CS 208 : S 108 ) is what Stenton called it — a ‘ patent forgery ’ — there is no evidence for Offa 's presence as a dominant factor in South Saxon affairs until the late 780s .
10 The Pakistan team lines up ‘ like some firing-squad ’ after the umpires decided that a ‘ catch ’ offered by Gower to Inzamam ( left ) off Waqar Younis had not carried to the fielder at second slip
11 In public statements on the crisis , US leaders frequently praised the Turkish government 's commitment , notably on the occasion of a visit by Baker to Ankara on Aug. 8 .
12 Visit by Baker to Damascus
13 On June 3 the rivalry between the two men culminated with a challenge by Keating to Hawkes ' leadership .
14 The report dated 27th June , 1857 , was forwarded by Buckler to Hall , who said he did not receive it until the following Monday evening , 29th June .
17 In this instance , however , Irvine believed , " the case is quite inverted " , for " the King himself is charged with all the Faults of Government , and … punished for them " , and his ministers " not only suffered to escape Punishment , but … highly preferr 'd and rewarded " — a reference , in particular , to the favour shown by William to James 's former chief advisor , the second Earl of Sunderland .
18 Between these two extremes , Cahiers 59 , 60 of Charpentier 's autograph Meslanges ( thought by Hitchcock to date from the early 1690s ) include several works which employ both 3/2 and 3/2 in void notation ( for example , Notus in Judaea , H206 , Domine Deus salutis meae , H207 , and the Messe … pour M. Mauroy , H6 ) ( see illus.1 ) .
19 As payment for this help Sisenand promised a gold dish , weighing five hundred pounds , which had been given by Aëtius to king Thorismund in the fifth century .
20 Following an official visit by Jaruzelski to Moscow , the Polish Foreign Ministry announced on April 17 , 1990 , that the 1965 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union would be renegotiated , and by removing communist elements of the document , the review would replace ideological obligation by normal state-to-state relations .
21 The Soviet leadership chose an official visit by Brezhnev to New Delhi in December 1980 to proclaim a set of principles to neutralise and demilitarise the Persian Gulf .
22 The bulk of this short book consists of transcriptions of letters sent by Giardini to Leone while the latter was scouring Italy for suitable singers .
23 Visit by Anand to Japan and USA
24 Scrambled away by Hill to Jochim .
25 The bow was the pre-eminent weapon given by Jibrail to Adam in Paradise .
26 [ For visit by Salinas to Spain in July 1989 see p. 37079 . ]
27 Consequently , it was possible for them ( but not for Christians , because they rejected pantheism ) to speak of a world-soul that could measure time , and this was , in fact , the answer given by Plotinus to Aristotle 's question .
28 Butler intriguingly proposes the mass items as a keyboard pendant to the B minor Missa sent by Bach to August III of Saxony in July 1733 .
29 Ealdorman Torhtmund , a loyal servant of Aethelred , who slew Ealdred in vengeance for his lord in 799 , was warmly recommended by Alcuin to Charlemagne in 801 when he visited the Frankish court .
30 Visit by Vellayati to Iraq
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