Example sentences of "by [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
2 The provisions of the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act make the following statutory requirements of case managers : ‘ Where it appears to a local authority that any person for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of community care services may be in need of any such services , the authority ( a ) shall carry out an assessment of his needs for those services and ( b ) having regard to the results of that assessment , shall then decide whether his needs call for the provision by them of any such services . ’
3 Thus , under the capitalist dispensation , the social values of work — common objectives , common interests , the communion of shared experience and achievement — are lost because that dispensation requires the concentration of the means of production into the hands of one class , the property-owners ; and the exploitation by them of another , the proletariat .
4 consumption of or the taking away by them of alcoholic liquor at or from the premises where they are residing ( ( c ) and ( d ) ) .
5 Universities are supposed to ensure that all posts approved by them for general clinical experience meet the GMC 's recommendations .
6 An accolade for Felix Schofield and Mrs Swan — I hear that photographs of posters done by them for Christian Aid have been used by the Church of Scotland 's Publicity Department as illustrations of an effective means of poster-design for communication .
7 Smythson stayed on in the service of the Willoughby family , and was employed by them on administrative and financial business , as well as as a surveyor .
8 Many of his junior colleagues in Glasgow and Edinburgh subsequently filled senior academic and hospital posts in this country and overseas and he is remembered by them with much gratitude and affection .
9 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
10 Not merely welcomed among them , but escorted around the country by them to various literary and poetry events , and often presented to their confrères as their protégé .
11 But if a landowner deliberately collects rabbits or game on his land for any purpose , he is liable for damage by them to neighbouring owners if it is caused by his ‘ extraordinary , non-natural or unreasonable action . ’
12 It is also the basis of the eye developed by the fish and bequeathed by them to all land-living vertebrates .
13 This argument is analogous to , though not identical with , Rousseau 's contention that sovereignty belongs to the people and can not be transferred by them to any other body or person .
14 Like mantises that eat their mates , or are eaten by them during intimate congress — even knowing that such a fate must occur — they were fraternally drawn to one another , obeying a bizarre tropism .
15 These include the effect on exports from the UK , and regional unemployment , as well as a ‘ catch-all ’ gateway ( b ) : restrictions may be permitted which would confer on the public as purchasers , consumers or users of any goods or services , other specific and substantial benefits or advantages enjoyed or likely to be enjoyed by them as such .
16 Additionally , they feared the full development of a national health service , viewed by them as unacceptable socialism .
17 Unless monetary payment is to pass from the wife to the husband ( for instance , as in a case where the house is in the husband 's sole name and the husband and wife agree that it is to be transferred to husband and wife and held by them upon certain trusts provided the wife pays the husband a sum of moneysee Chapter 7 ) , when the husband may require such money for his own purchase of another property , a contract between the parties would appear to be unnecessary .
18 But it is easier to show that the Aquitanians ' identity as a people was imposed on them rather than felt by them in Carolingian times .
19 I became involved with the Union ( ACTTS ) when an Equal Opportunities Policy Working Party was set up by them in 1984 .
20 Now what tends to happen is , as you know , there is lots and lots of different guests on his chat show and if he feels threatened by them in any way shape or form , what he does he relaxes her , comes in over the top , turns them over , takes them by the shoulder and pushes them into the chair and what he is saying , he is saying , this is my chat show , do n't you submit .
21 ‘ Car number one was bought by me for two hundred and seventy-eight pounds and sold for one thousand four hundred and twenty-five .
22 A guy in a bell-bottomed jumpsuit flew by me at some speed and struck the sidewalk .
23 I bear this in mind for my next visit and reflect that I am already learning and making mental notes about this hitherto unfished — by me at any rate — stretch of river .
24 GIBSON SG Standard , 1974 , walnut finish , humbuckers , ebony fingerboard , owned by me from new , plays beautifully , some marks , £350 .
25 The Purcell Quartet 's second disc of Corelli trio sonatas from Opp. 1 and 2 ( the first was reviewed by me in 6/91 ) challenges our comfortable generalizations about these works .
26 We also reserve the right to cancel this policy forthwith in the event of non-payment of the premium or default by you under any instalment scheme or linked credit transaction .
27 We also reserve the right to cancel this policy forthwith in the event of non-payment of the premium or default by you under any instalment scheme or linked credit transaction .
28 We will pay to you such sum as may be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case in respect of work performed by you under this order prior to cancellation , and in respect of which we have received the benefit .
29 Even if the quarrel is not started by you at all , you will be less able to cope and respond appropriately if you are already slightly under the weather .
30 Check your records to make sure that your employee was employed by you at some time during that week .
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