Example sentences of "at [pos pn] [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Convinced by fear that another attempt to manipulate the rigid ropes and frozen krabs at my waist would result in permanent loss of consciousness , I let Roger take over , clipping me into the belay while I lowered by head against the ice , shivering violently , numb fingers screaming with the return of feeling , struggling rationally to convince my swimming brain that this was not the final descent into hypothermic oblivion .
2 And in an oblique swipe at her critics in the Bush Administration she added : ‘ Those countries protesting at their return would do better if they offered to take some of them . ’
3 Anyone observing the children at their play will no doubt be impressed by the freedom which characterizes the period of childhood among the Gikuyu .
4 Those states with the available resources , space and population at their disposal will sooner or later attempt to develop them to the point which enables them — to use the kind of phrase often employed publicly in this context — to ‘ play a part in world balance ’ Or ‘ to take a seat in world councils ’ .
5 Ten had had a hysterectomy and their postmenopausal state was confirmed biochemically by measurement of serum gonadotrophins ; the age of these patients at their menopause could not be estimated .
6 Those wishing to hear the music at its home should join Flying 's annual club jaunt to Rimini .
7 A landlord should be responsible for the manner in which work at its instigation should be carried out and there is no reason why a tenant should suffer as a result of defects appearing within a reasonable time thereafter .
8 The Proprietor at its expense shall supply 1 ’ video masters consisting of all or any combination of the forms of the video sketches as itemized in Schedule I , to the specification of the Publisher and including any front or end matter supplied by the Publisher .
9 The inland sea at her door might be seven miles across , but it was enclosed on three sides by islands .
10 Even the convention of a hand at her elbow would have been intolerable .
11 The qualities which make a girl smart and successful at her work would similarly make for her success in the marriage market . "
12 Now and again the small boy at her side would look up , and Beth would lean towards him , no doubt answering his lively questions .
13 If Reverend Derek Sawyer has his way regular worshippers at his church will soon be paying membership fees … similar to a private club or gym .
14 Tim Hole , at 17 the youngest player in Guisborough Town football team which is near to top of the Northern League table , and other members of a band at his school could be winging their way to fame .
15 Young students studying at his university could also be vulnerable emotionally .
16 A SOCCER club boss who admitted displaying illegal advertising signs at his ground must pay a £150 penalty .
17 The man who has nothing at his disposal can not act freely .
18 Similarly , a photograph of the congressman with the president at his side may be invaluable for electoral purposes .
19 Haines assured me that everything at his end would remain secret , but a few years later I was both surprised and vexed to find that he had retailed the story in his memoirs without any indication of his pledge of confidentiality .
20 And the Regent at his raiding could not be far away .
21 Mr Dilworth explained that our programmes would form part of the radio services for the troops wherever they were , at home or abroad , that those concerned with broadcast production would be organizing War Bonds and recruiting campaigns , and that keeping at our work would be the best way of serving the war effort .
22 The differing options at our disposal must be examined and evaluated in order that some coherent answer can be provided .
23 Although there is as yet no consistent pattern emerging across world or indeed within individual markets , this strategy and the resources at our disposal will enable us to make further progress this year .
24 ‘ It stated that supporters who bought tickets for the Latvia game at our office could register for a similar amount regarding the Republic 's visit .
25 Supporters who bought tickets for the Latvia game at our office could register …
26 You must however consider that , except for 3 day London only departures , arrival at your hotel will be around 11.30pm ( Continental time being usually ahead by 1 hour ) when the hotel restaurant may be closed .
27 Most callers at your home will be genuine , but some might be out to steal or cheat you out of your money .
28 The intruder alarm installed at your Home must be kept in proper working order under a continuing maintenance contract with the installing Company or such other Company as is agreed in writing by us .
29 I think I reckon you could you could just do that without looking at your book could n't you .
30 If tempers have flared , and especially if you have been badly treated by your employer , the urge to retaliate with every means at your disposal will be enormous .
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