Example sentences of "at [adv] five year " in BNC.

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1 the failure has continued for a period of , or periods amounting to , at least five years ,
2 The state prosecutor had demanded Melih Calayoglu be sent to jail for at least five years .
3 Although the Government 's recent decision to pull all atomic reactors from the sell-off programme and scrap the construction of three Pressurised Water Reactors was expected to freeze Britain 's civil nuclear programme for at least five years , BNFL yesterday disclosed that it was looking at ways of diversifying into generating power .
4 Nearly 200,000 of them will face such rises for at least five years .
5 that the parties have lived apart for a continuous period of at least five years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition .
6 DAB will not be available for at least five years ; it will probably cost around £500 ; and we will all need new radios .
7 According to the magazine ENDS , it seems likely that ‘ at least five years will elapse before further NSAs are [ then ] designated unless the government 's hand is forced by EEC legislation . ’
8 We 've waited at least five years to see the project .
9 The petitioner still had to prove breakdown by demonstrating one ( or more ) of the following ‘ facts ’ : that the respondent had committed adultery ; that the respondent had behaved in such a way that the petitioner could not reasonably be expected to live with the respondent ; that the respondent had deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years ; that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least two years and that the respondent consented to a decree being granted ; or that the parties had lived apart for a continuous period of at least five years .
10 The applicant must be a freeholder or have a lease with five years or more to run , and will be required to sign a form to say that she intends to live in that dwelling as her only or main place of residence for at least five years after the work has been completed .
11 All parts except the sponge are guaranteed for a year , and Interpet undertake to keep spare parts available for at least five years after the last filter is produced .
12 With John Major in Downing Street for at least five years , and probably longer , it is likely that the IRA will try to put the psychological thumbscrews on him too .
13 Most shares should be held for at least five years to show a decent return .
14 There is no National Insurance on the company 's contributions to the fund , and the employee pays no income tax on the shares allocated to him or her provided they are held for at least five years .
15 He also draws attention to the problem of not being able to realise the shares for at least five years : ‘ Is that going to motivate people in the current recession ? ’
16 The employee subscribes to a Save As You Earn scheme for at least five years to pay for the shares .
17 Where the employee works less than 16 hours , but more than eight hours , a week , her continuous employment must have begun at least five years before the qualifying date .
18 ‘ Here am I , in my thirteenth summer and wedded to a boy of ten who will be unable to complete the marriage for at least five years — and with no sign of a bosom to show I am truly a damsel full grown ! ’
19 Half of the reported difficulties had been at least five years earlier , and only one in three had involved any question of difficulty over getting credit .
20 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
21 That the parties have lived apart for at least five years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition .
22 Anathema as it may be to Welsh Rugby Union ears , this was something they realised at Twickenham at least five years ago and we have all seen the felicitous results .
23 To instil the characteristics of the co-operative warrior , the Shavante seclude boys as age-sets for at least five years , during which period they undergo continual harassment and daily haranguing by older men , suffering endurance tests , such as all night exposures and duels at dawn .
24 At least five years of experience as an economist specialising in the financial sector .
25 Earned PhD in animal nutrition , or related field ; established international reputation or at least five years ' postdoctoral experience ; ability to work collaboratively with scientists of different disciplines and nationalities ; demonstrated ability to conduct research , communicate and publish results .
26 Earned PhD in agronomy , soil science , or soil microbiology ; at least five years ' research experience in legume N 2 fixation , N cycling and 15N technique ; practical experience in developing countries and/or dryland farming systems desirable .
27 Earned PhD in plant pathology , with at least five years ' research experience in host-plant resistance and alternative control measures .
28 A good degree in economics and at least five years of experience in country analysis are required , along with experience related to financial institutions and international debt .
29 Under the old AVC rules , individuals had to make a commitment to pay regular contributions for a period of at least five years .
30 Previously you were entitled to these rights only if you had been in an employer 's scheme for at least five years .
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