Example sentences of "at [adv] two month " in BNC.

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1 The nodules in which the worms live first appear at about two months from infection .
2 With a typical conveyancing transaction taking at least two months , thanks to the archaic system of conveyancing prevalent in England and Wales , borrowers will be lucky to have the benefit of the fixed rates for more than three months .
3 However , the BR safety study is likely to be conducted outside the scope of the Government 's financial targets for the railways which will be unveiled next week , at least two months before the safety report is published .
4 That is a delay of at least two months from the opening of the floodgates .
5 The nystatin treatment must continue at the full dose for at least two months , to ensure that all the Candida has been destroyed .
6 Budgets should be prepared at least two months before the start of the relevant period and normally ( but not invariably ) cover twelve months of operations .
7 He had been expected to be out of the game for at least two months after suffering concussion and a broken eye socket from a punch , but has made a remarkable recovery .
8 An offer to climb Mount Everest had to be passed up because of work commitments — the journey takes at least two months .
9 Now he faces at least two months on the sidelines .
10 ‘ The boy has viral meningitis and will be out for at least two months , during which he will do nothing else but rest .
11 at least two months ahead
12 But it would be at least two months .
13 Home monitoring was discontinued when there had been no events for at least two months or two months after discontinuation of oxygen ( see below ) .
14 However , the vector is described as being unstable in solution , resulting in less efficient cloning of the PCR-fragments when it has been dissolved for at least two months ( instructions to the ‘ TA Cloning TM System ’ , version 1.1 ) .
15 Most of the mothers talking here had known their boyfriends for at least two months before they " did it " , and for almost two-thirds of them it was their first sexual relationship .
16 Sandford , however , urged us to defer going down there for at least two months : the rains had only recently ended and after the rains a virulent type of malaria was prevalent in the Awash valley .
17 A second vote for the " leader " was postponed for at least two months , since neither Barzani nor Talabani had won an overall majority .
18 None of the reformed drinkers ( five with biopsy proven cirrhosis ) , who had abstained from alcohol for at least two months had raised values .
19 H 2 blockers ( ranitidine 150 mg or cimetidine 400 mg twice daily ) were given orally to every patient for at least two months at the outpatient department .
20 I was seething at your sign person because I thought we have no way of doing this for about at least two months
21 This development is generally very slow and in temperate climates takes at least two months .
22 — The public inquiry is expected to last at least two months and three pre-inquiry meetings have been held two in Northallerton and one in Marton , Middlesbrough .
23 The inquiry runs from Tuesday to Thursday ( 10am-4.30pm ) and Friday ( 10am-2pm ) each week and is expected to last at least two months .
24 Erm but again I do n't suspect that there 's gon na be any any impact on that for the , for at least two months .
25 That in fact we were looking at almost two months ' work erm for project engineering , when in fact that scheme would have been condensed down into project engineering .
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