Example sentences of "at [adv] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Hurt by ‘ the ungenerous treatment which I met with from that very sex whose sufferings I was at so much pains to relieve ’ , he was glad to leave Aberdeen when recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy .
2 He knew he had failed at so many things , but never as a teacher , never as that .
3 They recognised the staccato slicing of time , at so many frames per second , as an aggressive march of mechanisation .
4 At so many metres per second per second .
5 The goodwill in such cases is commonly valued at so many weeks betting receipts ( often three to four weeks ' is used ) .
6 Or worse , they have simply transposed plays and novels to the screen , producing work at so many removes from the original stimulus to creation that the prospect of the finished film having any appeal to a contemporary audience was almost non-existent .
7 Prince overflows and perforates the category of R&B at so many points , it 's barely relevant .
8 Absolutely , and that 's whey we 've got international agencies looking at exactly these things .
9 But practitioners usually encounter elders at just those times when crisis has broken down the security of routine .
10 Vincent Canby in The New York Times felt that the film was often ‘ not terribly funny , at just those moments when it tries the hardest , and it sometimes wears its social concerns so blatantly that they look like warpaint ’ , but concluded that it ‘ is an important movie by one of our most interesting directors ’ .
11 At low enough temperatures the gap is insurmountable , and dissipative scattering ( with loss of momentum ) is impossible because there are no vacant delocalised states that an electron has sufficient energy to reach .
12 So at low enough temperatures , with the gate voltage , Vg , chosen to put EF in a mobility gap , all the current is in effect carried by electrons that can not be dissipatively scattered , and the resistance falls to zero .
13 At once more flares were identifying the target area and a fair concentration of bombs directed on the aiming point .
14 At once both prisoners were made forcibly to kneel and lower their heads .
15 I must be able to get this brain condition at nearly all times .
16 At nearly all schools no stage performances will be seen by an audience until at least the end of the second term .
17 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
18 One of the simplest and most informative things to do is to measure the thickness of the pumice deposit at as many places as possible , plot these thicknesses on a map , and then draw lines on the map , rather like contour lines , linking points of equal ash thickness , say ten metres , five metres , one metre and so on .
19 Thus , surely there should not be more prestige matches played by fewer paid combatants in front of passive and hospitality-packaged crowds , but more active support for the playing of the game by as many players as possible at as many levels as possible .
20 I do n't play at as many events as I used to but I still enjoy playing my musical instruments and entertaining people .
21 Injection into an already unstable laser stabilises it at high enough y-values : at low values of y the behaviour is , unsurprisingly , irregular .
22 This is hot enough for fusion to occur but so far they have been unable to confine the hot plasma long enough and at high enough densities to generate more energy from fusion than is used to keep the machine working in the first place .
23 At high enough temperatures , particles have so much energy that whenever they collide many different particle/antiparticle pairs would be produced — and although some of these particles would annihilate on hitting antiparticles , they would be produced more rapidly than they could annihilate .
24 In support of its report , the Association quoted figures from a 1991 select committee survey of Wales , which found that only 10 out of 36 health authority incinerators burnt waste at high enough temperatures , and that none monitored emissions from their chimneys .
25 If the creche is a big one , and some contain as many as twenty infants , then one pair of the adults is likely to be in attendance at virtually all times of the day .
26 There was probably no ( easy ) alternative to the use of temporary workers ; and if they were to be employed , at least such workers should otherwise have the same rights as regular workers .
27 Because at least all schools have wonderful
28 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
29 At least these skits had grown in sophistication since my adolescence .
30 But at least these antics attracted attention ; ‘ then some said she was accursed ; some said God took open vengeance on her ; some said one thing and some said another ’ .
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