Example sentences of "at [adv] [num] year " in BNC.

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1 She had taken that step ; and now she , at only 36 years of age , had to bring up her children alone , and help them in their turn to make that large and difficult step .
2 So at just four years old , little Joanna was confined to hospital for two years while the operations took place .
3 Lexie Mc Connell died last year at just nine years old .
4 At nearly thirty-six years old he captured his fifth Open title , just one short of Harry Vardon 's record .
5 1986 ) have reported the average age of clients in care at about 83 years .
6 In the construction of a marriage table , notice that not all of the radix cohort will marry and that a marriage table can stop at about 55 years ( certainly for first marriages ) since the marriage probability has become negligible by that age .
7 There 's , there 's the Racial Equality council issue , where erm , I mean I think there 's er , I would like to look again at the degree to which compliance and contract compliance can be achieved through the county council 's procedures which we looked at about four years ago , and I would see that at least as important as working and funding outside activities .
8 Some of the barley is used for malting to make beer but about two-thirds is fed to beef cattle which are fattened quickly and slaughtered at about years old .
9 Choco who came to us at about seven years old .
10 Females are ready to breed at about seven years old .
11 Doctors put the life expectancy of sufferers at about 40 years — even if they have daily injections of insulin .
12 According to our size , we should die at about 25 years , by which age we should have also run out of heartbeats , having used up well over 800 million .
13 Mean latent periods for malignant tumour detection after radiation exposure are estimated at about 25 years , although for leukaemia it is between 8 and 14 years .
14 Well , the range in companies in the UK today is about six months to five years , with an average at about three years , and it is getting longer .
15 Boys usually went underground at around twelve years of age , having previously worked on sorting and preparing the raised ores at the surface .
16 At around six years of age , the child enters a wider social group and can perceive stigma , and experience a loss of self-esteem ( Wolff , 1983a ) .
17 Most nurses are first thrown into these situations at around eighteen years of age , before they have an opportunity to sort out the demands of their own emotional lives .
18 The research evaluates the claim that the latter view emerges at around 4 years and that as a consequence , children 's views about motivation will change in three ways .
19 At around one year , she 'll hold out her foot or raise her arms when you ask .
20 At around two years , there is another driving force pushing her towards independence : the desire to be like everyone else .
21 Other similar businesses can often be valued at around two years ' purchase of the average of the last three years net profits without deduction for proprietor 's remuneration or interest on capital .
22 For 54 years he directed his own wine firm and , at around 80 years of age , launched the London Wine Exchange .
23 For bonds trading at a discount to par ( so that rm ) , duration increases to a maximum at around 20 years and then declines towards the limit given by ( 5.48 ) .
24 In spite of improvements in treatment , average survival still hovers at around 20 years of age , and many of those affected have a severe clinical course requiring continuous therapy .
25 The loss of bone mass is recognised as a universal characteristic of ageing — beginning at around 30 years in women and 50 in men — although there are wide differences in the amount and rate of loss .
26 But male elephants only mature at around 30 years old and their many deaths have disrupted patterns of reproduction .
27 Does he not share part of the responsibility for the Government 's failure to allocate more resources to deal with asylum applications at least four year ago when the problem first arose ?
28 The only conditions the Taxman lays down is that you give the same amount regularly for at least four years and that you are a UK taxpayer .
29 The electronic jammer programme is at least four years behind schedule and may cost at least $1 billion more than estimated , according to one Pentagon report .
30 It was not surprising that the amount spent on exploration sank from $760 million in the still relatively fat year of 1979 to between $120 and $150 million at the end of the 1980s and the size of known reserves remained static over a period of at least four years .
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