Example sentences of "at [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Graham was not happy about that and had a dig at me in the press .
2 I tried to improve it and I remember him screaming at me in the street after the first-night party in London . ’
3 He grinned at me in the gloom , and introduced himself as if I might recognize the name .
4 She exploded at me in the hospital .
5 She looked at me in the candle-light .
6 ‘ People will laugh at me in the village ! ’ he said .
7 Why , people wave at me in the streets ! ’
8 It looked at me in the kind of easy , assessing way dogs on their peculiar errands do look at strangers — and then looked again , and stopped dead : his hackles rose : he backed , he made a kind of howling noise , turned tail , and fled .
9 Nor do I feel like setting myself up as an Aunt Sally just waiting for all those girls to throw themselves at me in the attempt to knock me off my perch ! ’
10 ‘ Men sometimes whistle at me in the street and it does n't bother me a bit .
11 ‘ Only stakin' 'is claim , ’ Granpa used to tell the customers as he pointed at me in the wooden box .
12 ‘ You look like a couple of drowned rats , ’ said Mrs Wright , looking at them in the light of Philip 's torch .
13 We are used to looking at faces , the faces of people , for their emotions and feelings ; and when we wonder about the emotions of animals we tend to look at them in the same limited way .
14 The problems of crofting may be insoluble in terms of practical politics , but , if we look at them in the right way , we may find that they themselves are a resource .
15 When I 'm about to tell you a story , I thought to myself well stories that Jesus used to tell were parables and when I looked at them in the bible they had a kingdom meaning to them .
16 at them in the kitchen over the sink ,
17 I was to get at 'er in the bedroom , 'e said .
18 I want to try and stop shouting at you in the morning so I 'm going to put out your clothes for you to get dressed .
19 ‘ It 's got to the point where he looks at you in the morning as if he 's wondering where we are going to send him next .
20 Somebody looks at you in the wrong way some morning , you know , what 's the matter with you , that type of thing you know .
21 She followed , and Lucy waved at her in the mirror at every light .
22 She sees that Harriet is quietly gazing at her in the red firelight .
23 Anyway , the word is and it came from somebody who said he was looking at her in the Chamber the other day that she is going blind .
24 Sometimes she would stand in front of Sarah and stare at her in the most curious way , saying nothing .
25 The somebody bent down , peering at her in the gloomy first light .
26 He looked at her in the driving mirror .
27 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
28 Gazing at her in the hall was the stuffed body of Grandpa 's black clumber spaniel , Pickwick .
29 The dancers , from what Lucy had seen , were all pretty good in their way ; she 'd even begun to develop a liking for Maurice , who 'd winked at her in the corridor earlier .
30 He looked at her in the light of the fire .
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