Example sentences of "at [art] time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I was cycling up the hill at the time to go on duty , and I nearly fell off my bike in my certainty that there was going to be a nasty accident .
2 Only they would have possessed the necessary authority and material wealth at the time to take prime land — the site of a major trading warehouse — and transform it into a dog cemetery .
3 He 'd asked her to wait for him , and although she 'd been too angry at the time to say that she would , she had nevertheless avoided marriage to anyone else despite the many proposals she 'd had .
4 The acquirer may not have the time or be willing to make the inspections and will not want to accept the risk that some information may have been given to one of its employees or advisers who was unable at the time to appreciate its significance in relation to the transaction , or indeed may have been forgotten .
5 On the one hand there were those introduced by British or British trained educationists because they appeared at the time to represent the ‘ best ’ education ( though naturally criteria for judging quality varied widely ) .
6 But I did not think at the time to ask what they were , or their significance .
7 The researcher who collects data on everything under the sun , just because it seems so easy at the time to ask a few more questions about this and that , usually rues the day when the analysis of all the answers has to be carried out .
8 If the commission , which since its inception has been the CIVC 's ComCon ( Commission Consultative ) , required a yardstick on which to base their annual increase or decrease of production limits , then it would have been more rational at the time to term the figure , whether or not it was actually 50 hectolitres per hectare , an average for the region .
9 When I looked back I realized it was because of a hurt from when I was younger-I had protruding teeth and was the only child in my school at the time to wear braces .
10 This form of political ‘ discourse ’ has become painfully familiar in the years since then , but it was sufficiently new at the time to mislead many as to the true target of the strictures .
11 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
12 It has even been darkly insinuated by Paolucci ( in Beccaria , 1963 ) that he may merely have been used as a front by his radical friends , the Verri brothers , who were too much in trouble with the authorities at the time to risk writing it themselves
13 There was some tendency at the time to argue that the Watergate affair had revealed weaknesses in the American presidential system not found in parliamentary systems .
14 Having discovered that if he took cinchona or Peruvian bark , from which quinine is derived , he developed the symptoms and signs of intermittent fever ( malaria ) , and knowing that cinchona was an effective treatment for malaria , Hahnemann went on to experiment with other substances in use at the time to see what symptoms and signs they would produce .
15 It was just that she had been too much in love at the time to see it .
16 ‘ Because ‘ e 's my mate , and it annoyed me at the time to see ‘ im get ahead of me . ’
17 That was not so on the men 's tour , which means it would be very much easier for the ITF to set up its own women 's tour linking many of the principal regular events such as Berlin , Eastbourne , Brighton etc , with the Grand Slams , than it would have been had they responded to the many appeals they had at the time to set up a men 's circuit in competition with ATP …
18 BBS seriously considered firing Hopper ; the pressure of moving a production team of twenty-three people from state to state , writing the script on the run and persuading innocent citizens of the United States of America who just happened to be passing at the time to appear in the movie , was a heavy burden for all .
19 The labels which Darwin had attached to them did not say where the specimens were found ; he simply had not had any reason at the time to think that geography was important .
20 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
21 Detectives , who are considering staging a reconstruction of the events today , renewed their appeal for those in the area at the time to contact them .
22 I told you at the time to stick out and then she would have to get a housekeeper in .
23 There were two old linebacked bulls and seven bull calves at the time to help fix the colour , which was not unlike that of the Longhorn , an English breed which had been widespread in eighteenth-century Ireland ( there was said to be a ‘ hornless Longhorn ’ in Cumberland in the nineteenth century ) .
24 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
25 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
26 A police spokesman at Formby said : ‘ We would like to appeal to three young men seen in the area at the time to come forward because we believe they probably witnessed the incident . ’
27 It is striking , in fact , how much the latter idea seemed at the time to dominate as a first priority .
28 What sort of twisted thoughts went through my father 's brain at the time to make him choose such a name for the child I can not start to imagine , but that was the name Angus chose for his new son .
29 So er I thought a alright then , so I I went off like and I just heard erm and said , I went up to see her mother like and , I told her mother about it , like and that and erm her mother says different now , that she came round to see me at the time to tell , to give me a telling off like over her friend .
30 One can hardly blame them , they had too many urgent and pressing matters on hand at the time to worry about such things .
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