Example sentences of "at [art] time the " in BNC.

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1 At the time the college was specifically teaching and developing the practical skills needed to use thinnings , green and coppice timber in the design and construction of buildings and wooden products .
2 For example if a person who has £3,000 capital receives a monthly pension of £200 paid into their bank account , this should not be assessed as an increase in savings unless it remains unspent at the time the next payment is due .
3 Under the system , created by West Germany 's Manfred Donike , the amount of steroids in an athlete 's body can be detected not only at the time the test takes place , but several months beforehand , although the actual drug is not identified .
4 Use the current tables at the time the payment is made .
5 When a jury is satisfied that the act was committed , but that at the time the accused was so insane as not to be legally responsible , it brings in a special verdict of ‘ not guilty by reason of insanity ’ , though the accused is then ordered to be detained during the ‘ Queen 's pleasure ’ .
6 Voluntary settlements ( in particular family settlements made after marriage ) are set aside by a bankruptcy if made within two years before ; and even if made within ten years before , unless it is shown that at the time the bankrupt was able to meet his liabilities without the settled property .
7 Haynes in more familiar pose — on his way to 184 at Lord 's in 1980 , at the time the highest West Indian Test innings at headquarters .
8 years which had seen him play in 62 Tests and make 189 dismissals , at the time the West Indian record by a street .
9 The following season he made 64 not out as nightwatchman against Trinidad , was moved up the order in the second innings , and responded with 188 ; a year later , in 1943–4 , also against Trinidad , he and John Goddard put on an undefeated 502 for the fourth wicket , at the time the third highest partnership in first-class cricket .
10 At the time the UK feed industry was concerned the situation should not escalate , but , in fact , it has had little impact on trade .
11 At the time the Conservatives were low in the polls and within the Party the various political and organisational groups were not yet pulling hard together towards the election .
12 Mr Bond was deemed to be insolvent at the time the bankruptcy judgment was entered against him and the bankruptcy notice was served — ‘ about three weeks ago ’ — but Mr Bond may have been insolvent before that time .
13 The completion of the CMR consignment note does not relieve the sender from producing and attaching all necessary documents relative to the movement of the goods i.e. invoices etc ; which the sender should produce to the carrier at the time the goods are handed over .
14 As mentioned above , the timing of this will be influenced by the strength or weakness of the currency in the currency markets but the decision to cover or not to cover should be taken at the time the exposure arises .
15 In fact , the decision was taken because at the time the government was pursuing a policy of shadowing the Deutsche Mark , a policy which it could be called upon to defend in Parliament .
16 Had Mafart and Prieur simply abandoned the camper and boarded the flight they would have left the country undetected because at the time the police believed they were still driving around the country .
17 This denial was particularly important , since at the time the Thatcher administration was going through a bad period in terms of popular opinion on issues such as unemployment , social services , and housing .
18 Until 1969 the Post Office was a department of government and at the time the telephone network was part of the Post Office .
19 A bishop who is in office at the time the Canon becomes law may declare that in his diocese no woman is to be ordained priest or ( with minor exceptions ) minister as a priest .
20 All the benefits you receive will of course depend on your age at the time the policy is issued , the size of your monthly premium and the amount of your future bonuses .
21 The exact rate for the investment is fixed at the time the deposit is made and then runs through the period chosen .
22 It is therefore quite unreasonable to allow this ; the animals should be stunned at the time the throat is cut .
23 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
24 At the time the only polled British beef cattle were Scottish — the Aberdeen Angus and Galloway .
25 Will the rain come at the time the crops need it ?
26 Firstly , there is the general level of interest rates at the time the loan is made , which related to the current base rate .
27 However , it will have been reduced by an amount equal to Basic Rate Income Tax at the time the interest was credited to your account and this amount will be retained in your TESSA and will receive interest at the appropriate TESSA rate .
28 Small mammal faunas in the fossil record provide one of the principal methods of interpreting the ecology or habitat existing at the time the fossils were preserved .
29 Where the nuisance was in existence at the time the abatement notice was served , and continued or was likely to recur at the time proceedings for a nuisance order began then whether or not it was continuing or was likely to recur at the date of the hearing , the court must also order the defendant to pay the local authority the cost of the proceedings to obtain the nuisance order .
30 At the time the analysts and the client were somewhat concerned that it was not practicable to implement fully either of the FAOR technical solutions , as expectations had been raised about the final outcome before the implications of these solutions were known in any detail .
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