Example sentences of "at [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 On May 15 the Kurdistan Front said that it was not possible at present to issue a list allowing Turkoman inhabitants of the region to elect candidates but that " at the first available opportunity " Turkoman candidates would be elected to the National Assembly .
2 The Fund does not at present set a residency requirement , so few if any arguments are left for keeping Flemish bees away from the Dutch honey pot .
3 Our group is at present conducting a course of lectures and assessed drives at Stirling University .
4 A nonlinear Q s - L relationship may reduce the range of implied solar changes before 1900 , but there is no evidence available at present to support a more complex relationship than assumed here .
5 The UK is at present negotiating a new protocol on sulphur emissions with the UN Economic Commission for Europe .
6 Mrs X is at present attending a college where she is studying science , and desperately wishes to take up embalming as a career , but unfortunately this is where the problem begins .
7 It might be argued that this scheme puts the claimant who at present has a choice whether or not to use Ord. 53 , at a disadvantage because under the new scheme he or she would have to seek leave and would possibly be subject to very restrictive time-limits .
8 The Craft Centre at present contains a craft shop , a tearoom and an exhibition devoted to the Harris tweed industry , and a main problem is to find suitable uses for it outside the short tourist season .
9 Those few authorities which do not at present have a policy on health education might care to consider the influence which this has on the development of school policy .
10 According to Dr. Desmond Corrigan of Dublin University , ‘ it is a fact that 40% of all drugs used at present have a folklore basis ’ .
11 The FC at present have a very good policy of allowing access and , indeed , encouraging the use of the forests for recreational purposes .
12 For example , Treasury 10.5% 1999 at present commands a price of £104 15/16 to give a gross redemption yield of 10.01% .
13 It was felt essential to continue the Course at a National level and be available to students from a distance and as our training strength is already at full stretch it would not be possible at present to consider a weekly training course , which had been mooted to run alongside .
14 The society is at present having a book sale , offering British Oceanographic Vessels at the reduced price of £9 , and it therefore seems appropriate to mention the volume at this time .
15 The £2,000 is at present burning a hole in my bank account .
16 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
17 Meanwhile , Intel still denies that there is any delay in volume deliveries of the Pentium 80586 microprocessor for public consumption , but vendors briefed by the company have confirmed that , as we revealed a few weeks ago ( UX No 410 ) , the part at present needs a heat sink and a fan , and that Intel is unlikely to be able to ship in volume before the fourth quarter 1993 .
18 Now , as a consequence of my eight marginal years on a drug squad , visits to the United Nations , and the three years at university reading a subject which few knew anything about , but would be willing to dismiss along with all of the social sciences , I was in danger of being irrevocably cast into the mould of being a ‘ college man ’ or academic .
19 studying at university to become a clergyman .
20 Ewes with lambs at foot met a sharp trade selling to £71 per head .
21 The other party was a builder who bought a plot of land at auction to build a house for himself and his family .
22 The government has been forced to release 100,000 bales of wool from its 4.7m stockpile to cover a shortfall in supplies at auction following a recent surge in consumer demand .
23 One highly-paid aid official admitted : ‘ We are forcing poor people at gunpoint to grow a crop which they know they can not survive on .
24 The change in absorbance was monitored at 650–730nm using a SLM Aminco DW 2000 dual-wavelength spectrophotometer .
25 Anticipating much later research , Tylor also made the seminal suggestion that the choice of residence at marriage exerted a crucial effect on the way kinship was reckoned in a society .
26 However the total annual cost of the project at that time , extrapolating from the months when it was operating at capacity to produce a cost for a 12-month period , would have been £42,000 in Newham and £25,680 in Ipswich ( excluding the cost of the research ) ; see Table 6.6 .
27 Already recognized prior to independence as a member of the FAO , the ILO , UNESCO and the WHO , Namibia at independence became a full member of the UN , the OAU , the SADCC , the Non-aligned Movement and the Commonwealth .
28 She glared at him , but there was too much at stake to risk a fight , so after a moment she pushed her hair away from her face and sat down , pulling one of the mugs towards her .
29 Dyson had brought his car into town specially , and everyone in the Gates at lunch wanted a lift to the funeral in it .
30 The London Daily Telegraph of 25 August 1887 , under the heading " A Sailors ' Association " chose to deal at length with the birth of the union , praising its objects , but predicting its early demise : " The North Country " , the article read , " was always the nursery of the famous and best seamen and it is here that we find Jack hard at work originating a fine scheme .
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