Example sentences of "at the time he " in BNC.

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1 Well , not at the time 'e did n't , nor 'is best man , not for nearly an hour .
2 ‘ And what , might I ask , sir , was he doing at the time he was talking about the bell ? ’
3 But at the time he was glad to leave .
4 At the time he 'd just started City Lights , a new shop in Covent Garden .
5 Lewis treasured this conversation in after years , but at the time he found it disconcerting and annoying .
6 But at the time he had no one with the expertise to guide him , and was very easily influenced by the persuasive arguments of the last person he spoke to on any given subject .
7 The allegations involved making use of unpublished , price-sensitive information when he bought shares in Centreway at the time he was negotiating on City and Westminster 's behalf to buy a stake in Centreway .
8 Ronnie Ross : ‘ At the time he came to see me for lessons , groups like The Rolling Stones were just beginning to come into vogue although he was more interested in jazz , and we 'd sit and talk about jazz and jazz musicians quite often .
9 At the time he was perfectly rational — he did n't feel schizoid — he was playing a part .
10 Richards insisted he was not pressurizing the umpire but doing a celebratory dance , which seemed odd since as the umpire had not raised a finger at the time he had nothing to celebrate .
11 Ari found it was strangely comforting to be told how confused Ewan had been at the time he 'd turned his back on his family .
12 The organisation of the celebrations on such a large scale was a major success for Pateman and although he could not have known it at the time he was in the final few months of his long and difficult years of service to the District and the WEA .
13 At the time he was hardly painting at all , concentrating on drawing and sculpting .
14 At the time he was still sculpting and he continued to carve his large heads , sometimes in polychrome , until 1915 or 1916 .
15 By temperament he could never be a member of a group , but at the time he was associated with a talented wartime circle which included Max Jacob , the poet Cocteau , the composer Eric Satie , the painters Juan Gris , Kisling , Foujita and , more rarely , Picasso and the sculptors Archipenko , Zadkine and Lipchitz .
16 Although he denied it , at the time he fled to Damascus where the Syrians — never slow to take advantage of those in need — offered him protection and later supported him in his successful candidacy for the presidency of Lebanon in 1970 .
17 At the time he said never again , but a few years have gone by and he has a different perception .
18 Like the stroke patient who has received hospital treatment , the head-injured patient may still be fairly disabled at the time he is discharged .
19 Instead , he is limited to a sum which reflects the difference between what he actually paid for the property , and what the Court thinks he would have paid had he known of the defect at the time he bought it .
20 The bitterness of that moment was never forgotten ; at the time he wished that he were dead . ’
21 Celsus senior may have been very advanced to arrive at this conception at the time he did .
22 At the time he had started to play truant at school and his academic progress had been disrupted .
23 It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another ; at the time he was convinced that it was his own personal idiosyncrasy .
24 At the time he did n't make any comment , though I 'm sure he thought quite a lot !
25 ‘ I do n't see how anybody can pick up a guitar nowadays and not give some credit to Jimi Hendrix because , at the time — people do n't remember this — but at the time he came out , people were ready to give up the guitar and go onto other instruments .
26 At the time he died he was carrying the bomb on his person .
27 At the time he commanded a contingent of Katangese levies and about twenty white mercenaries at Watsa .
28 They built a separate development area , and Wilkinson reports that at the time he was writing his book three major new projects were being developed within it , but as none had reached completion there is no data about the effects of this new pattern of introducing new technology in that company .
29 At the time he expected to touch down the aircraft suddenly ‘ pulled down to his left ’ , he felt the back of the aircraft buckle and was aware of debris coming through the canopy .
30 He thought at the time he was marrying the ‘ prefect woman ’ .
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