Example sentences of "at the time he " in BNC.

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31 ‘ It 's easy now to say he was hasty , yet at the time he just wanted to get out of the place because he was so ill .
32 Although at the time he was ‘ not a great fan of industrial specialism' , his views have changed .
33 At the time he was engaged in resisting his extradition to the US and would have been unable to attend .
34 It is a defence for a person charged with ‘ Being in Charge ’ to prove that at the time he is alleged to have committed the offence the circumstances were such that there was no likelihood of his driving the vehicle whilst the proportion of alcohol in his breath , blood or urine remained likely to exceed the prescribed limit ; but in determining whether there was such a likelihood the court may disregard any injury to him and any damage to the vehicle .
35 But they were n't checked because at the time he was renting a suite at the Crillon . ’
36 Much of what he says about his money troubles and his illness is consistent with the evidence of extant records which show his salary was often in arrears , and that at the time he says he was ill his salary was being collected for him , indicating his absence from work .
37 If this is the case ( as would be revealed by questioning Mrs Wood ) than an important antecedent could be lack of supervision at the time he wakes up .
38 And B-tested Peter Davidson , a former police inspector , said later : ‘ I thought at the time he 'd had more to drink than me .
39 Davies arrived home at the time he should have been competing in the Olympics .
40 In 1973 , Henry Kissinger got the prize at the time he was implicated in the blanket bombing of Cambodia .
41 would talk for instance [ Richard later wrote ] of the ‘ Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ’ and hold us all , a group of young boys , spellbound as he unfolded with conscious looks of wonder the marvellous courage of the man Eliot to write the poem ‘ Prufrock ’ at the time he did .
42 At the time he was badly thrown .
43 At the time he was racing a boat on the international circuit and his crew member 's cousin was none other than David Kay of GKR ; Stork followed up the contact and , because of his research , marketing and overseas experience , the newly-established GKR offered him a job to develop their search business in Europe .
44 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
45 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
46 After the event it looks very much as if his campaigns overstrained the resources of his empire and made it impossible to hold together , but at the time he was seen as the greatest of conquerors .
47 At the time he made a report to the then Keeper of the Indian Section , Robert Skelton , who passed it on to the Indian authorities .
48 Michel Laclotte came at the time he was working on the Musée D'Orsay .
49 At the time he was seeing Camilla , Diana had lunch with her sisters at Buckingham Palace and discussed her predicament with them .
50 Yet the notion of Humperdinck being capable of Strauss 's range is of course unthinkable : at the time he conducted the première of Hänsel und Gretel , in December 1893 , Strauss had written most of his tone-poems and was at work on his own first opera , Guntram .
51 To tell the truth , I did n't have a steady girlfriend at the time he swanned into the Cafè des Squires and exited with Gillian .
52 At the time he probably seemed instead a manifestation of resurgent royal authority .
53 In any case although Acheson in his memoirs acknowledged the ‘ perceptive warning of an able colleague ’ and admitted that these fears were eventually borne out by events , at the time he decided nonetheless ‘ that having put our hand to the plough we would not look back ’ and added his own to what would be hundreds of similarly hopeful assessments .
54 There is no doubt that in The Family Reunion he was attempting that re-integration of religious and secular drama which he discussed at the time he was working on the play .
55 At the time he had assumed that she had simply contacted the address on some pretext and discovered that he had n't been there , but it was only later , when the argument had blown over , that he remembered that the address he had given his mother had been vacant .
56 At the time he told his son that he thought that he had made a discovery which would prove comparable in importance with those of Newton .
57 And in the afternoon , at the time he was drowned , her mother would call her inside and bolt the door , and they would kneel together and say the rosary for the soul of the father she had never known ; and when all those Hail Mary 's had been said , and the Glory Be 's and the Our Father , and they had made the sign of the Cross together , her mother would pull out the silver Madonna she always kept hidden at her breast and press her lips to it in a way that said everything you needed to know about love and death and being a woman .
58 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
59 The suggestion made there is that it is only equitable that the jurisdiction can not be exercised against a creditor unless the same conditions are applicable to him at the time he receives the payment as are applicable to jurisdiction over the debtor .
60 The trial judge directed the jury if at the time he collected the coins the defendant had formed the dishonest intention of keeping them for himself he was guilty of theft .
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