Example sentences of "at the [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 There have been sixteen drug regulatory actions worldwide against triazolam since 1980 aimed at the manufacturer 's recommended doses .
2 The day at the Fairground is only the beginning .
3 The Castelnovo is well managed as is its sister residence La Panoramica , all of the apartments at the Castelnovo are named after trees and detailed below .
4 The extent of the problems faced by students at the poly was highlighted last week when it was revealed that some students were living in cars , and others had to turn down places because of the lack of affordable housing .
5 Students at the University are eligible to apply for sports bursaries which are awarded each year to those students who have already shown that they have exceptional sporting ability and who wish to achieve further excellence .
6 Now lecturers at the university are poised to take strike action over the affair .
7 Staff at the university are also seeking an urgent meeting with Andrew Armstrong , chairman of the board of governors , to discuss the dispute .
8 Yes , and we at the university are , I think , really I say ‘ I think ’ , my own purpose here at the university is to export what we 've got as quickly as we can to the local community , and indeed nationally too .
9 Yes , and we at the university are , I think , really I say ‘ I think ’ , my own purpose here at the university is to export what we 've got as quickly as we can to the local community , and indeed nationally too .
10 You could say that everyone at the University is involved in education , at least in the broader sense .
11 Poor students at the university were long known as ‘ mealie students ’ because they took a sack of meal and salt lumps with them and had to make it last all term .
12 The young men at the university were a different matter .
13 Fellow undergraduates and tutors at the University were last night said to be stunned by the news of his death .
14 No one at the university was to know of his DIA connection , and to avoid any written record that might compromise his cover , Donleavy arranged for him to be paid during this period with American Express money orders drawn at 7–11 stores around Falls Church , Virginia .
15 It would be possible , temporarily , to laugh at the wife being landed in trouble by the monk after her meretricious bargain with him , but she extricates herself from this problem in true fabliau manner .
16 PAMELA : Whether sir , the nun who followed you at the masquerade is not the Countess of Pembroke ?
17 The current excavation at the Globe is merely to assess the site 's archaeological potential .
18 In Darlington the council calculates there are approximately 18,800 houses in the bottom band while the number of houses at the peak is negligible .
19 Between 1979 and 1983 , local government sold almost 600000 houses or flats , and at the peak were raising 2 billion a year in revenue from this source .
20 The evening ‘ Son et Lumiere ’ performance at the Pyramids is also recommended .
21 The series begins on the west , at the spectator 's left , with the lion of Nemea , traditionally the first , and in this alone here Herakles is shown as a beardless boy .
22 All work processed at the Company is tracked by computer , and all parts are accompanied by work control documents , in compliance with customers ' requirements .
23 The top union officials at the company are ready to take a softly , softly approach : the worker committees , they say , can be ‘ transitioned ’ into the unions ' care .
24 John Simpson says employment levels at the company are ‘ on the high side ’ compared to English electricity companies .
25 Two private shareholders called on Sir Derek Alun-Jones , Ferranti 's chairman , to resign at the company 's reconvened annual meeting yesterday .
26 Seven were announced at the company 's well attended ( 1,800 turned up instead of the expected 1,000 ) 5th annual international user group show in San Jose , California , last week .
27 Rather more impressive in the parallel stakes is an engineering model of the scalable parallel system in development at the company 's Highly Parallel Supercomputing Systems Laboratory , a moderately parallel machine that will have eight to 64 RS/6000 processors scaling up to 6 GFLOPS peak performance .
28 Employees were never fired ; a job at the company was a career for life that paid very well , included excellent benefits , and afforded a nice place to work .
29 Other leaky sources at the company were quite prepared to give us a low-down , see front page .
30 And on this particular occasion this feller ( if you go along the Low Road and up Fishpond Lane , there 's a farm up there : this feller came from that farm ) and after a setting in at The Case is Altered he died going up Fishpond Lane .
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