Example sentences of "at an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have conducted two studies on the outcome of Cognitive Therapy treatment for depression by a social worker , the first using referrals from general practitioners at an inner-city health centre , the second from the occupational health services of large local employers .
2 Taylor 's Level was reckoned to require driving of 60 fathoms at an estimated £6 per fathom plus about 140 for the railway .
3 Roedean is planning a hockey and cricket tour of South Africa next year at an estimated £1,200 a head .
4 Sir Robert last night rejected calls for his resignation and explained that 50 of the recommendations made by Sir Anthony were already in hand or implemented at an estimated cost of £20 million .
5 DEVELOPMENT of huge gas reserves in the northern and central North Sea moved a stage further yesterday with an agreement by a British Gas-led group to exploit three discoveries with reserves of one trillion cubic feet at an estimated cost of about £800m .
6 The police worked over fourteen million hours ' overtime , at an estimated cost of £140 million ( Wallington , 1985 : 152 ) .
7 In 1894 , the Board agreed to erect an entirely new school for 400 boys at an estimated cost , ex-land , of £2,800 .
8 In 1896 , the minutes state ‘ that seven owners of property have applied for a supply of water from the Railway Company , which will necessitate the laying of 230 yards of 3 ’ cast iron main at an estimated cost of £55 , and there are several more houses along the proposed extension of the main which will probably soon want a supply' .
9 Each year in the UK , 14m working days are lost from documented alcohol-related illness , at an estimated cost of £800m .
10 On 6th January 1872 , a committee appointed by the local government board attended a meeting of the Guardians , and there was agreement to the joint enterprise ; a letter from Mr. J. T. Wing enclosing a rough plan for a smallpox hospital to accommodate 24 patients at an estimated cost of £300 was also considered .
11 Senile dementia and other forms of mental illness presented a problem and it was recommended that a new building accommodating six beds and one padded room should be provided at an estimated cost of £2,400 .
12 In April 1933 , a new casual block at an estimated cost of £4,000 ( which would include a wood-chopping shed in the labour yard ) was approved .
13 The building was to be finished by lst June 1803 and at an estimated cost of £5,800 .
14 PLANS to build the long-awaited Kesgrave bypass at an estimated cost of more than £9 million are about to take a major step forward with publication of a series of compulsory orders to obtain the necessary land .
15 On top of this recurrent expenditure , Gloucester was pressing for a major rebuilding programme , to include not only repairs to the castle and town walls , but the construction of 120 new houses at an estimated cost of £1,600 .
16 Various quotations were considered by the Goldsmiths on 1st July and the contract was awarded to the Warrington company of Hinde and Haddock , at an estimated cost of £3,526 .
17 The new iron and steel complex in Misratah was opened on Sept. 9 , 1989 , at an estimated cost of dollars 6,000 million and after years of delays resulting from shrinking oil revenues in the mid-1980s .
18 The cost option favoured by Evans ( the " mid-range scenario " ) involved the stationing in Cambodia of 5,500 UN peacekeeping forces and 2,000 officials at an estimated cost of US$987 million over 12 months , increasing to a total of US$1,300 million over 18 months .
19 More than 800 employees stopped work for two hours on March 14 in protest at plans to appoint 44 staff members and outside consultants to senior executive positions and create 20 new senior posts over the next two years at an estimated cost of US$6,200,000 .
20 A further eight-day strike for wage increases by 13,000 Centromín miners , supported by colleagues at the Cerro de Pasco complex of zinc and copper mines , ended on March 22 at an estimated cost in lost production of $10,000,000 .
21 The Middle East Economic Digest of May 17 reported that Czechoslovakia had confirmed its intent to sell Syria 100 T-72 tanks at an estimated cost of US$200 million .
22 The budget , which projected expenditure of EC$246,900,000 , featured a 7 per cent pay increase for public employees at an estimated cost of EC$5,500,000 , in the first stage of a three-year programme of pay rises .
23 During the Cienfuegos speech Castro confirmed that work on the Juraga nuclear power plant in Cienfuegos , the construction work on which was begun in 1972 and which was now 90 per cent complete at an estimated cost of US$1,000 million , had been halted indefinitely for lack of funds .
24 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30:70 as opposed to the 50:50 chance they gave the initial phase .
25 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30 : 70 as opposed to the 50 : 50 chance they gave the initial phase .
26 One half of the annual requirement is in stock and the other half will have to be purchased during the year at an estimated cost of £4,500 .
27 On top of this recurrent expenditure , Gloucester was pressing for a major rebuilding programme , to include not only repairs to the castle and town walls , but the construction of 120 new houses at an estimated cost of £1,600 .
28 The power will be supplied at an estimated cost of around US$0.05 per kilowatt hour — competitive with fossil fuel power and considerably cheaper than nuclear power , which continues to provide much of the country 's electricity from a number of ageing reactors , including those at Chernobyl .
29 In November it was reported that the European Communities had agreed to proposals for Namibia to join the Lomé Convention , under which the country would secure an annual beef quota , at an estimated price 40 per cent higher than the world market , which would make Namibia the second largest beef exporter among the African , Caribbean and Pacific countries ( after Botswana ) .
30 In the North York Moors bracken is spreading into moorland at an estimated rate of 49 hectares per year .
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