Example sentences of "at which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Party leaders inserted this clause after an August Central Committee meeting at which the General Secretary , Mr Nguyen Van Linh , exposed the leadership 's anxiety at developments in China and Eastern Europe with a fierce denunciation of political pluralism and subversive imperialist powers .
2 The study of ( ht ) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative [ x ] before [ t ] ( in right , might , etc. ) was lost in English .
3 There has been no point in British history at which the prevailing method of government has been completely swept away , allowing those in power to sit down and create from first principles a new and clearly delineated form of government .
4 Yet handling and recruiting people is a task at which the Japanese are famously different from their American or British counterparts .
5 If the engagement period is to be protracted because the couple are young or studying , there may be a big party not unlike a small-scale version of the wedding at which the future bride has a chance to display her ring to well-wishers and acquire presents for the new home , for which the guests must be thanked .
6 Upon learning that these deaf people had no place to go to , or even to worship , Mr. Patterson held a meeting at which the above Association was formed , and enough money was raised to purchase a plot of land at Grosvenor Street where a social meeting place incorporating a small chapel was built .
7 There is a six-year Statute of Limitations which relates to the period from the date at which the competing claim was first asserted ( not at the time the work of art was stolen nor the date of subsequent sale ) .
8 The unemployment rate at which the TRW curve intersect. , with the FRW line defines NAIRU : it is the unique unemployment rate at which the real wage demands of workers can be reconciled with the real wage which employers are prepared to concede .
9 Definition : The IS curve joins together all those combinations of the rate of interest and the level of income at which the real sector of the economy is in equilibrium — that is , at which total injections equal total withdrawals .
10 It follows that an interest rate of 5 per cent and an income level of £100 million is one combination of interest and income at which the real sector is in equilibrium .
11 Before the Suez débâcle in the autumn of 1956 , British governments had felt themselves able to dictate the pace at which the colonial Empire would be transformed into a cohesive Commonwealth of Nations : after Suez the imperial ethos was shattered , and our run down to middle-power status was no longer resisted .
12 A rival meeting in Vienna the same year , at which the radical Menshevik L.D. Trotsky took a leading role , failed to forge unity among the non-Bolshevik Social Democrats .
13 A profit-maximising firm under conditions of perfect competition will expand production up to the point at which the additional cost of producing the last unit of output ( ’ marginal cost ’ ) is equal to price .
14 The maximum speed attainable with each switching angle is simply the stepping rate at which the appropriate characteristic intersects the " load torque " line : The velocity profile during acceleration can be calculated Precisely for each switching angle using the graphical method described in Section 6.3 .
15 The lecture programme , together with its associated tutorial and laboratory work is based entirely at one of the three participating universities , but for the project work students will join the institution at which the appropriate special facilities or expertise exist .
16 The radius at which the outer orbits develop loops and become self-intersecting is called the ‘ outer Lindblad resonance ’ ( OLR ) , and the mean radius of the smallest orbit of the middle family to be self-intersecting is called the ‘ inner Lindblad resonance ’ ( ILR ) .
17 It is also the address at which the following registers and documents must normally be kept :
18 In 1614 the Prince of Wales himself had to be excluded from a dinner at which the Russian ambassador was to be present , since it was feared that the latter would refuse to accept a place on the king 's left if the prince were seated on his right .
19 The Le Mans officials were blameless as their safety measures were found to be more than adequate , and the speed at which the injured were taken to hospital was also exemplary .
20 The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point .
21 Bourassa 's view of the package was overwhelmingly endorsed by a special 4,000-member Liberal Party convention in Quebec on Aug. 29-30 , at which the provincial Premier gave a powerful performance and promised to win over the population of Quebec at the October referendum .
22 The 1931 general election was the last election until that of February 1974 at which the electoral performance of the Liberals was of significance to the two major parties .
23 Supposing in a Bertrand-type model that the industry has reached the point at which both firms are breaking even , there will still be a tendency to cut the price to drive the other firm out of business until the price reaches the level at which the victorious monopolist is breaking even .
24 This is the deep sleep level , at which the unconscious mind is obtaining the greatest amount of real rest .
25 Thus investment or additions to the capital stock will proceed up to the point at which the present value of the future profits equals the initial purchase price of new capital goods .
26 In 1749 , at a Vestry meeting it was decided that the Old Palace was to be the Workhouse for the villages of Birling , Luddesdown , Snodland and Halling , at which the poor of these parishes should be sent under the charge of John Seward , a carpenter of Halling .
27 They would have to rise to that level at which the monetary sector was forced to find some other solution to its liquidity shortage , perhaps by calling in advances to customers and reducing the stock of its outstanding deposits .
28 Definition : The LM curve joins together all those combinations of the rate of interest and the level of income at which the monetary sector of the economy is in equilibrium — that is , at which the demand for money equals the supply of money .
29 As the forces of production change and develop , as men acquire new skills , fashion new implements , discover new raw materials , a point is reached at which the existing structure of society becomes an obstacle to further development .
30 Also of interest are : An Evening With Terry Gilliam , at which the ex-Python will discuss the making of such movies as Brazil and The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen , at 8pm tomorrow at the Hyde Park Picture House ; Michael Lehmann 's black teen comedy Heathers , with Winona Ryder , on Wednesday at 8pm at the Cannon 2 ; and Bernard Tavernier 's ( Round Midnight ) post-World War One love story , Life And Nothing But , with Philippe Noiret , at the Hyde Park Picture House at 8pm on Wednesday .
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