Example sentences of "at any time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since delegation can occur at any time a basic question you the manager should regularly be asking yourself is : ‘ At this moment , am I making the best use of my time ? ’
2 It is clear however that , although brought up by her mother in a family subscribing to the beliefs of the Jehovah 's Witnesses , Miss T. was neither baptised into their faith nor at any time a practising member .
3 Taxes Act 1988 , s66(3) states that if at any time a person acquires a new source of any income in respect of which he is chargeable under Case III or makes an addition to any source of any such income then in the year of assessment in which the income first arises from the source or addition and the two following years of assessment the charge shall be on an actual basis in accordance with TA 1988 , s66(1) .
4 the whole place was gon na come to a halt if anybody fired a flash gun and furiously Fred grabbed the royal people and I grabbed the Finns and we started reorganising the present so they could take place under the enormous great windows that there are in and nobody had said at any time a flash gun will stop the machines .
5 In Birmingham ‘ the evening papers are eagerly read each night , and scores of boys who never play themselves are able to name at any time the runs made by prominent cricketers … and in seasons like the present ‘ discuss readily and ably the claims of the individual members of the Australian team to be considered really worthy exponents of the game ’ .
6 It will remain available and can be used at any time the board thinks appropriate . ’
7 The Senate reserves the right to discontinue at any time the studies of any student whose academic work proves unsatisfactory .
8 If at any time the board of the faculty , on the advice of a course committee , is of the opinion that a student 's progress is unsatisfactory it shall send to the student due notice in writing that , unless there is an improvement , it will debar the student from taking examinations or will recommend to the Senate that the student be required to discontinue his studies .
9 Should at any time the muscles feel fatigued , ‘ shake out ’ the arms .
10 ‘ As this offence can be committed at any time the fact that it was dark at the time could be shown to assist the court in deciding on punishment .
11 ‘ If at any time the aforesaid beneficiary divulges to anyone details of her confidential employment with INCUBUS then the aforesaid beneficiary will forfeit any further claim to any pension rights hitherto granted whatsoever … ’ ’
12 If at any time the whereabouts of a child on the register are not known , it is the custodian 's specific responsibility to set in hand immediate action to try to trace the child .
13 The whole of the double-entry system is based upon this principle and it follows from this principle that at any time the total debits must equal the total credits and by adding the two a check can be made on the double entry ; this is one of the main advantages of the system .
14 I 've seen the man 's face actually resting on the foot of the horse ; but never at any time the horse stand on him , tramp on him or damage him in any way .
15 If the supply voltage is to be augmented at any time the transistor switch S is closed .
16 Buyers on their part will make similar calculations ; and if at any time the price should rise considerably above 36s. they will argue that the supply will be much greater than the demand at that price : therefore even those of them who would rather pay that price than go unserved , wait ; and by waiting they help to bring the price down .
17 ‘ Provision is , however , made for the possibility that at any time the two airports may have the same owner .
18 " At any time the PLO is prepared to take the necessary steps , " he went on , " we are prepared to resume the dialogue . "
19 Always remember , however , that at any time the participants in the drama can come out of role to consider what is happening .
20 Example 4:8 Definition of rent linked to head rent " the reviewed rent " means the highest of ( 1 ) the rent contractually payable immediately before the relevant review date ( 2 ) the market rent and ( 3 ) per cent of the rent payable under the headlease ( assuming if it is not the fact that the headlease is in existence on the relevant review date ) Example 4:9 Alternative definition if at any time the rent payable under the headlease is increased the payable under this lease shall be increased with effect from the date as from which the rent payable under the headlease is increased so as to equal per cent of that rent
21 7.7.8 If at any time the Tenant shall be entitled to the benefit of any insurance on the Premises ( which is not effected or maintained in pursuance of any obligation contained in this Lease ) to apply all money received by virtue of such insurance in making good the loss or damage in respect of which such money shall have been received The landlord 's concern is to avoid the situation by which its insurers may refuse to pay the whole of the proceeds of insurance where the tenant has also taken out insurance cover for the premises , pursuant to a common provision found in insurance policies .
22 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this section , if at any time an institution becomes insolvent and at that time — ( a ) it is an authorised institution … the board shall as soon as practicable pay out of the fund to each depositor who has a protected deposit with that institution an amount equal to three-quarters of his protected deposit .
23 For the purposes of this form of liability a person is a ‘ keeper ’ of the animal if ‘ ( a ) he owns the animal or has it in his possession ; or ( b ) he is the head of a household of which a member under the age of 16 owns the animal or has it in his possession ; and if at any time an animal ceases to be owned by or to be in the possession of a person , any person who immediately before that time was a keeper thereof … continues to be a keeper of the animal until another person becomes a keeper thereof … ’
24 4.25 Regular internal review of residents ' progress should take place when an escalation of aggression occurs or at any time an officer in charge considers appropriate .
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