Example sentences of "at good the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At best the thoroughness of the reviews must be in doubt .
2 To the extent that the rescues were ideologically inspired and the businesses ideologically managed , then at best the ideology distracted attention from the true nature of the problems to be faced , and at worst served as an excuse for purporting to resolve them by decisions which were patently perverse .
3 At best the relationship was paternalistic , at worst it was authoritarian and dehumanising .
4 At best the existence of some checks and balances , or statutory tripwires , may serve to alert the wary as to how things are moving .
5 At best the idea of action as produced by the following of a rule is an icon or model of the process by which actions are really generated .
6 At best the programme was rated no more than moderately effective , being considered completely ineffective in respect of home-school links .
7 At best the Unix business has three more months to get its act together , maybe 12 months at the outside , before irreversible damage sets in .
8 But in the absence of direct evidence for the place of manufacture , or at best the source of the raw materials , there has been a degree of reticence about interpreting the distribution of such goods .
9 At best the faker can try and render the surface somewhat weathered and pitted by treatment with hydrofluoric acid , but the presence of fluorides in the surface can be easily detected .
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