Example sentences of "he thought of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He thought of Sophie in his arms , the cord falling on to her neck .
2 What he thought of Canon Wheeler , if he thought of him at all , he had never , in his gentlemanly fashion , revealed to anyone .
3 He thought of Julian in her drab housewife 's gown , with her still , tense body and her hungry eyes , and he said , hardly knowing why , or whether it was mischief in him or mercy : ‘ If you need me , apply to the girl .
4 He thought of Mrs Wright up in Jubilee Wood , looking for the fox .
5 No he thought of England as Magna Carta and Shakespeare and Churchill and Milton and the rule of law — a lot of great ideas and ideals that maybe you were going to just crumple and throw away . ’
6 He thought of the old man , and he thought of Sien .
7 In this I was no different from Michael , but where he thought of eagles , I thought of dolphins .
8 He thought of Alan Millet … did n't know why , could n't place the trigger that led him to Alan Millet and a pub in the Elephant and Castle south of the Thames .
9 And suddenly with the woman 's cheese plant tickling his ear he thought of Lee up in Jubilee Wood , running down the ride howling .
10 Momentarily his mind strayed and he thought of Fei Yen and the child in her belly .
11 He thought of Hugo , who had revolutionised his own thinking , who had made him challenge and question for the first time .
12 He thought of Hugo 's ability to excite interest , to stimulate thought .
13 He saw images : a ruined tower — and he thought of those black gaps behind the Eaton Square terrace ; death by drowning — and he thought of Hugo Glendinning ; a hanged man — and he thought of his father 's cadre ; two lovers — he thought of himself and Isobel ; a king of cups , a queen of diamonds — he thought of nothing .
14 He thought of Jos , Emily and Alice as his friends , and yet how could he trust them until he knew the truth of the incident ?
15 Then he thought of Victor , of what he and Anna and the kids would be feeling .
16 He thought of Rose 's lineage where the power to hurt — and be hurt — was strong .
17 Lowell 's conscience ebbed and flowed when he thought of Ballater and the old man 's anxiety .
18 He thought of Cicero .
19 He thought of Andrei Gromyko , the great survivor of the different regimes that had followed the revolution .
20 And he thought of home , of New Haven , and Nantucket , and Yale and the White House .
21 Mr Rose asked Marcus what he thought of when he thought of home .
22 He thought of Mitch .
23 He thought of his bed at the Rorim ; then he thought of Madra in it , her warmth under him and her hands on his back , her hair in his mouth .
24 And now , as he sat staring fixedly at the floral configuration on the faded green carpet , he felt a little sad as he thought of Laura , his wife for only the last couple of years .
25 Again he thought of meringues .
26 He thought of Beryl and the need to come to grips with the Garland set-up as it had been before the old man 's death .
27 He thought of Lucia 's mobile mouth , her often oblique wit , and dreaded that she might start to question , and come to the wrong person 's notice .
28 He thought of Jazz being presented with a cross-eyed , spotty , knock-kneed , gook-speaking bride from the Punjab and having to go along with that .
29 Mick stared hungrily at her breasts : small , pale , and tight , like under-ripe fruit … he thought of Amanda … forbidden fruit .
30 As he walked , he thought of Bathsheba .
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