Example sentences of "he said [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then forgive me while I discharge my serpentine ! ’ he said while towelling vigorously .
2 ‘ Prost no problem , ’ he said that weekend , and I think he meant it .
3 He said that question should be addressed to the special commission on Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction .
4 We had none of those commitments from the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East , although he said that education and training would be key priorities .
5 He said that portion returned to the river would have a higher concentration of nitrates but would be diluted very quickly .
6 He said that Sky ‘ is our largest risk undertaking , perhaps ever .
7 In the Sunday Express he said that goal judges ‘ must come ’ to give more help to referees in avoiding errors of judgement .
8 He said that theology among bishops was important .
9 He said that money was no object — those were his actual words — and he wanted the most expensive teeth I could provide .
10 The quiet sympathy amongst the waiting people was tinged with anger , and an Orcadian farmer voiced the feelings of them all when he said that bureaucracy had gone too far .
11 He said that capping is ’ crude and unsatisfactory . ’
12 He said that capping levels had been set at a devastatingly harsh level and fairness was completely absent from the settlement .
13 Manager Frank Gray perhaps had a point after the game when he said that luck did n't smile kindly on his side , but it must also be said that Quakers did not utilise the strong wind in the same forthright manner as the home side in the first half .
14 He said that leadership had been shown and the members had conducted themselves in a disciplined manner with pride and dignity .
15 He said that licensing justices at Flint , Mold and Hawarden were endeavouring to only grant licences to experienced people and those who had completed various licensing training courses and had passed the British Institute of Inn Keeping examination .
16 He said that government measures on a pro rata basis might affect only 140 unemployed people in each of Scotland 's parliamentary constituencies , even though they have , on average , more than 4,000 out of work .
17 He said that involvement in Association activities should not interfere with promotional prospects or a proper career path .
18 Preaching to the converted , he said that credit was the best indicator of forthcoming recession , or the end thereof .
19 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
20 In a speech distributed by the Ramblers Association , he said that legislation was needed on access rights for walkers .
21 He said that intellect took one so far but could not take one the whole way .
22 At independence , Geingob declared that Namibia could not have full diplomatic relations with South Africa until the situation had been normalized there , but he said that trading relations would continue .
23 He said that guerrilla attacks would henceforth be directed at military targets , state companies and economic installations among others .
24 In a speech in Paris on Sept. 13 he said that admission of new members should be an explicit part of EC policy , mentioning Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Poland and the newly independent Baltic states .
25 He reflected the view of my constituents when he said that crime and how to reduce it are matters for the Government .
26 And he said that community services had already been set up to replace hospitals in many areas .
27 At the same time he said that new rules would be drawn up on the ownership of property , in preparation for the privatization of numerous state enterprises ; in this context he demanded a cut in bank interest rates , from a typical level of 50 per cent to around 20 per cent , so as to encourage private investment in industry , where he said that productivity had fallen by 10 per cent since the start of the year .
28 He said that market forces were being ‘ inhibited by state ownership and government support for producers whose viability was doubtful . ’
29 He said that tax collection would be improved , sales tax raised from 3 per cent to 5 per cent , and some tax revenues switched from local to central government , but he forecast a budgetary deficit for 1991 of 13,300 million yuan , saying that deficit spending would continue for at least another five years .
30 He said that deforestation had increased by 75 per cent between 1985 and 1989 and that around 350,000 hectares of tropical forest were lost in Peru every year .
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