Example sentences of "he 's [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He 's into the burning building …
2 the rest of it 's like this here he runs into the water and he 's into the water like Him and Bobby used
3 " Well , he 's about the same , Wes .
4 And at a time when the Ingard lot are pressed for money , he 's about the last person you 'd have thought they 'd go to any trouble over .
5 I , he 's about the
6 He 's about the .
7 He 's about the same age as
8 And er I said to her well and er she said that she was embarrassed , I think he 's about the
9 He 's up the market is n't he ?
10 did n't he years ago and the big kids sort of , well not torment him , but he 's for the fun you know
11 At 40 , he knows he 's on the road to fortune and admits to spending more time talking with journalists than working over hot ovens in the kitchen .
12 He 's on the funicular with us , in the next car with Miss Abernethie . ’
13 It 's there all of the time , but it comes out the clearest when all the ‘ dramatic inflections , subtle stresses and sympathetic accents ’ ( Barthes ) , all the art of the singer , are abandoned , fall away , when Prince swoons , sounds like he 's on the brink of insensibility .
14 It was at the end of the Fifties that the joke became popular about one high-powered executive calling another on his car telephone only to be told : ‘ He 's on the other line ’ .
15 When he 's on the tee he asks Tony Jacklin if he knows me , and Tony says , ‘ Yes .
16 Unless they say he 's on the bottle .
17 He 's on the go every single night , which may or may not account for his upcoming divorce . ’
18 After being in The Birthday Party , where everybody wanted their part to be as loud as is humanly possible , it 's quite refreshing to find someone who does n't even care if he 's on the record or not ! ’
19 He 's ranked No 2 in the world and he 's on the dole .
20 He has a lot to learn , but something happens every time he 's on the ball .
21 He 's on the loose again . ’
22 I 'VE heard of prisoners going on the run to prove their innocence , but here 's a prisoner who says he 's on the run to prove his GUILT .
23 The ‘ Megatop Phoenix ’ era finds Mick wrestling with poor returns , but with the inception of BAD II he 's on the track once more , wearing daft hats and running with the oldest , coolest street gang in the business .
24 Since that boy 's a dresser , he 's on the surgical side .
25 He 's on the case and , from his actions so far , I have to say I 've come to trust him .
26 We bet he 's on the lookout for a president of SMCC .
27 ‘ People look at me , ’ he says , ‘ and they 're thinking , ‘ Oh , he 's on the telly , he must be happy as Larry . ’
28 But sometimes it is disturbing to mothers , so if you feel uncomfortable about it you can try giving him a toy to hold while he 's on the toilet seat ’ ; and in general : ‘ If you take it easy in caring for your baby , you will be doing him a great service . ’
29 ‘ The last I heard was that he 's on the run from the authorities in Beirut . ’
30 no he 's not here , I think he 's on the sick .
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