Example sentences of "he were [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 For a moment , when Miles had looked so meltingly at her as those words poured from him , it seemed as though he were speaking to her , and the dark , wet night simply faded away from around her , and she was transported to a warm summer garden on the night of a Royal Ball .
2 He observed instead , his tone reflective , almost as though he were speaking to himself , ‘ You manage well on your own .
3 He was so extraordinarily quiet and self-possessed , it was almost as if he were chatting to us confidentially about it all instead of making an elaborate speech .
4 There seemed no stopping her and he felt as if he were listening to some of the most important information he had ever heard .
5 His tone had been matter-of-fact , as if he were reporting to a committee .
6 It was as if he were going to the edge again of something fresh and new .
7 But now , the soft clicks coming with typical irregularity , he listened to them painfully and let his mind slide back ten years to what he must remember , to the truth he must recall if he were going to be able to tell lies .
8 His other neighbour 's child-bride kissed her boy hero each morning , in her floating web dressing gown , as if he were going to the Falklands for three months .
9 I 've got one brother , but he was younger than me and at that time he were going to school anyway .
10 Yeah he 'd got some letters , apparently he were going to Post Office later for stamps and everything and er got this letter and seeings I 'd only got three he give me his , give me twenty four pence for a stamp so I walked to Post Office , I thought well I do n't want no penny or tuppeny stamps .
11 He stared at the table as if he were talking to himself .
12 ‘ No Villanuova has ever had a job , that 's why , ’ he replied as if he were talking to a child .
13 When he spoke again , it was as though he were talking to himself .
14 Golding 's voice sank to a murmur , as if he were talking to himself rather than Derek .
15 The hon. Gentleman is treating me as though he were talking to someone from Louisiana and wanting to finish the sentence before it has been started .
16 He shouted , so the doctor told Dexter , as if he were crying to someone a great distance away .
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