Example sentences of "he had [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He had loaned five thousand pounds to Phillip Wreck , one of the most notorious villains in Paddington , and in Joe 's mind Michael had more chance of getting the Pope 's inside leg measurement than he had of getting that money back .
2 I remembered the dated way he had of addressing people — though he had been sacked for more serious matters .
3 It was very odd , this way he had of dragging all her senses into screaming vitality .
4 But whatever chances he had of finding them in London , he had none in Dublin .
5 My hon. Friend referred to the opportunity that he had of presenting the result of the vote on the 1986 Bill .
6 When the best man cleared his throat and announced that he was going to fix the puncture he had before leaving , all Moran 's children followed him out to the road and stood around as he got levers and patches and solution .
7 In accepting Orlov 's suggestion and transferring Kiselev to Paris , Alexander damaged the prospects of reform to a much greater extent than he had by replacing Bibikov with Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
8 We did not appreciate at the time what a wrench leaving the Weir House must have been for him , nor the difficulty he had in adjusting himself to four assertive stepsons he hardly knew .
9 After a couple of sentences he went into the present tense , which was a habit he had in speaking of the past , as if it were the plot of some play he was about to do .
10 He made it as easy as possible for his clergy to take the oath , and he acknowledged that his friends who did so acted in as good conscience as he had in refusing it .
11 At first , the difficulty he had in opening the door of his room seemed no more than an irritating trifle .
12 Ceauşescu 's first contact with British statesmanship was through the interest that he had in obtaining British technology and the up-and-coming Antony Wedgwood-Benn had in selling it .
13 It did n't help to be able to see why he had done what he had in fostering their enmity .
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