Example sentences of "he had the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had the sun for his head , she the moon .
2 Not only did he invade her privacy , he had the gall to sit there and demand that she serve him !
3 Since he had the gall to suggest that employers ' organisations all support the proposals , may I put it to him that this and many other parts of his provisions were vehemently opposed by employers ' organisations , including the CBI , the British Association of Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Personnel Management ?
4 said he was off yesterday cos he had the flu
5 ( Emlyn Williams confirmed that : ‘ He had the timing , the perfect timing that comedy needs : and dead-pan , classic dead-pan . ’ )
6 He had the weakness of dramatising his position .
7 By the time she reached the bottom he had the saloon deck hatch open and was sitting at the table .
8 It was not merely that he had the work done quickly but he had done it thinkingly .
9 And of course he had the nurses ' pay
10 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
11 He had the ribbon of the Iron Cross Second Class on his tunic and the Finnish Gold Cross of Valour .
12 He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level , and Father had a story of seeing him at a political meeting , which he was probably chairing , walking arm in arm with the Grand Old Man himself , both talking .
13 So , off he went and came back one day saying that he thought he had the song I 'd been looking for .
14 Fortunately , he had the luck and nearly always won , so he bought McLaughlin 's old newsagents ' in Hilltown as a front for his ‘ line ’ .
15 Reagan throughout his political career had more than his share of good fortune and he had the luck to begin by facing a weak and inept opponent ; Christopher was ill equipped to meet the demands of appearing on television , and , according to one authority , he ‘ conduc-ted one of the most ineffective campaigns in California 's political history ’ .
16 The third son of a successful Yorkshire miller , he had the contacts necessary to raise all the backing he needed .
17 And he had the chat to go with it .
18 He had the worry and responsibility of his sister on his shoulders , and she wished she could take him in her arms and comfort him .
19 But at least he had the advantage of being able to cut across country .
20 ‘ Of course , he had the advantage of his height .
21 He had the advantage of being seen as a man of peace , whereas Reagan made many voters nervous .
22 But now he had the advantage , and he intended to use it …
23 It was said in the 1840S of a future President of the republic that he had the advantage of the ‘ magic and mystery of a name ’ .
24 In organising from Hull he had the advantage that his members were short voyage men , mostly employed on weekly boats .
25 He had the advantage of being a poet himself and a member of a circle of respectable poets , of whom the best was Simon Dach , at Königsberg ; he had wide musical knowledge , not only of the Italian masters of monody , as he reveals in one of his greatest songs , ‘ O der rauhen Grausamkeit ’ : but of other foreign song , French and even Polish , from which he borrowed with due acknowledgement .
26 In Didone , Cavalli 's third opera , he had the advantage of a libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello who next year provided Monteverdi with the poem of L'incoronazione ; here already Cavalli showed his dramatic power , particularly in the expressive recitative .
27 Artemidorus wrote before Posidonius , who occasionally disagreed with him : he must have travelled about 100 B.C. He seems to have done particularly useful work on the geography of Spain where he had the advantage of a century of Roman administration .
28 Times was hard , and he had the advantage over the insurance company of knowing that his profits might be tapering off in the near future , and he thinks , ah , I 'll get , er , I 'll take out a Permanent Health Insurance , based on my present income to protect seventy-five , because I know in about three or four years time , my income would have gone down to about sixty per cent of what it is , so .
29 Hemel 's Darin Schubring , who caused a two-hour delay in last week 's first leg when he demolished the backboard , looked less dangerous on the rare occasions he had the ball .
30 ‘ Neil had the vision to see what needed to be done to carry Labour forward , he had the courage to take on the task , and he had the determination to see it through , ’ he added .
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