Example sentences of "he had see the " in BNC.

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1 He was strongly tempted to stay on the train and take his chance but remembering the man he had seen the Railway Police arrest he got off at Lichtenberg and bought a ticket at the machine .
2 He was frightened that hostile readers of his theological work would be able to say that his religion could be ‘ explained ’ in terms of the Oedipus complex ( or perhaps the Hippolytus complex ) ; and that he was only able to find peace for his heart by coming to terms with a Heavenly Father of his own projection when he had seen the last of his earthly father in Belfast .
3 With his background in Ulster , where he had seen the blasphemous absurdity of Christians hating one another on the grounds of historical or ritual difference , he was always rigorously ‘ non-party ’ in his Anglicanism .
4 He listened as the Cambridgeshire sergeant explained that the keeper on the shooting estate had realized he had seen the old plough there last week and had fetched the farmer in to explain where it had gone .
5 General Schwarzkopf demanded that JSTARS be rushed into service for Desert Storm after he had seen the system tested in a NATO exercise .
6 He had seen the draft .
7 He recalled the first time he had seen the impressive building as a schoolboy on a day 's outing to see the sights of London .
8 He had seen the best and the worst .
9 He had seen the colour of the money and was already halfway across the room , parting the throng like the Spanish Armada .
10 Other noteworthy plantings were mentioned by Miller : the Duke of Norfolk had , at Worksop , the greatest number of Magnolia glauca then growing in England ; while in Sir John Collinson 's garden at Exeter , he had seen the largest Magnolia grandiflora in the country .
11 On one occasion , when a breeze from an open window ruffled his papers , Mr S — made a menacing lunge across the desk , and shouted , his eyes blazing , ‘ Did YOU … ! ? ’ ; and then he stopped , as if even he had seen the absurdity of his conduct .
12 He said that they were professional witnesses from London , explaining that , if a prosecution lawyer was having difficulty in obtaining a conviction , he would handsomely reward a witness who would state under oath that he had seen the crime committed .
13 He later went on to say that he had seen the same man in the vicinity about 5.30 to 6.00 , and that he seemed to be heading for the Oliver 's shop .
14 John Windle picked out Drew as a man he had seen the worse for drink and in a threatening attitude in Cross Street at 4.20 on 22 June .
15 He had seen the writing on the wall : after the oil crisis of 1973 there was n't going to be enough money to keep all the universities enthusiastically created or expanded in the booming sixties in the style to which they had become accustomed .
16 Murray reached for the mop but Richard pulled it away and squeezed it out in the bucket as he had seen the maids do .
17 He had once , fearfully , climbed the three steps to Mrs Curdle 's caravan and had gazed , fascinated , at the glory within , the half-door had been shut , but by standing on tiptoe he had seen the shelves , the tiny drawers , the cupboards , the gleaming brass and copper and the rows of vividly painted plates as breathtakingly lovely to the child as the bright birds which he had seen the week before at the Zoo , sitting motionless upon their perches , in a splendour of tropical plumage .
18 He had once , fearfully , climbed the three steps to Mrs Curdle 's caravan and had gazed , fascinated , at the glory within , the half-door had been shut , but by standing on tiptoe he had seen the shelves , the tiny drawers , the cupboards , the gleaming brass and copper and the rows of vividly painted plates as breathtakingly lovely to the child as the bright birds which he had seen the week before at the Zoo , sitting motionless upon their perches , in a splendour of tropical plumage .
19 He had seen the pose in several paintings in the churches and galleries he had visited in the past two weeks .
20 He entered the maze of streets and alleyways below Piazza Amedeo , looking for the place where he had seen the little beggar girl with the bandaged leg .
21 He had seen the Greycoats ' boys training and , for the first , serious time in his life , felt himself an alien .
22 Chapman was keen on the plan because he had seen the advances made on the Continent , where such classes were already established .
23 In the block somebody said that he had seen the whole incident .
24 He had seen the look of greed on Bull O'Malley 's face and he smiled to himself in the dark .
25 Corbett , remembering all he had seen the previous night , was more wary of Thomas : the evil he had experienced in that hut was nothing to take lightly .
26 Or maybe he had seen the onset of labour in the way she had acted earlier , when he and Kāli untwisted the bales of hay for the night and spread out the fresh pine-needle bedding .
27 Quickly , in as few words as possible , Jack told him what had happened with the Glory , how he had seen the gigantic Worm break through the earth , and how both Tina and his mother had denied all knowledge of what they had seen .
28 He had seen the boy once or twice since , and he seemed a nice enough lad — a little backward perhaps , but his mother was ashamed of him , and refused to send him to school , perhaps fearing the other children would tease him .
29 I thought he had seen the enemy aircraft and , as he winged over into a steep dive I followed him without question .
30 My friend was most unimpressed , he had seen the footprints but shrugged his shoulders and suggested that we move on .
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