Example sentences of "he was given [noun] " in BNC.

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1 humbug and foolishness ; that it was all prearranged ; that he was given music which he already knew ; that it was ridiculous to think that he could compose , and so forth .
2 Unfortunately very little , er we know he 's been in prison since nineteen eighty seven and that he 's been sentenced to ten years , but we have n't been able to determine er under what charge , what happened at his trial , whether he was given defence , er access to a lawyer , those kind of things , and er Amnesty believes that he 's been er imprisoned for his beliefs .
3 Between these two journeys , in 147–6 , he was given ships by Scipio to explore the coasts of Africa ( Plin .
4 As Assistant Adjutant , he was given tasks of little consequence , mostly dull book work concerned with parade states and the number of sick reported from the companies .
5 When young Thomas Carter returned from his duties about 10.00 , he was given bread and cheese for his lunch , and was Packed off to school with his brother .
6 Mr Lucas said Michael worked for Bond Corporation for around five years and was trusted so greatly he was given responsibility for the security of international VIPs who visited Western Australia during Bond 's America 's Cup defence three years ago .
7 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
8 He was given drugs which controlled this well and had no more health problems for the next four years .
9 He was given £2 for his troubles .
10 He was given £2 10 0d to travel to Stockport .
11 He was given £100,000 in damages , more than a testimonial at Elland Road would ever have reaped .
12 He was given stitches to his cuts and suffered extensive bruising .
13 When only seven years old , he was given arms and went out to do battle .
14 Goalkeeper Frazer Digby said he was given £1,000 as a loyalty payment , and a £50-a-game clean-sheet award when he did n't let in any goals .
15 When he was given work at a lathe that rounded and spiralled chairs ' legs he took no advice from the foreman , and instead watched the man next to him to study the working of the machine .
16 In 1947 he was given permission by the Fourth International to form an independent Labour Party entry group .
17 He was given permission to undergo tests in a Moscow hospital , but official statements from the hospital on Feb. rejected claims that he was suffering from cancer and other dangerous infirmities , and denied that any operation was planned .
18 He was given instructions to taxi to the holding point for runway 26 and subsequently took off normally at 1202 hrs .
19 He said he was given explanations in the summer of the cause of the problem which were clearly wrong .
20 Thorpe who was to have headed the bill said that he had been in touch with the promoters earlier in the year and had agreed to come over provided he was given details in writing .
21 Also the boy 's 15s. 0d. doctor 's bill was paid by the Club , and he was given 9s. 0d. compensation .
22 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
23 He was given Lach. 0/1 with marked improvement after four doses , one dose daily .
24 One man explained that he was unable to continue payment in support of his mother because he had joined the Navy , and he was given exemption .
25 Joseph saw that although he was given evil he was able to turn it into goodness .
26 Returning in 1941 , he was given lodgings by the Vicar of Trumpington , a grant by his school and £52 by the Movement .
27 He was given benzylpenicillin with cefotaxime and transferred to the intensive care unit , where he subsequently made an uncomplicated recovery .
28 A similar reaction occurred when he was given sugar , milk and oranges .
29 The special relationship Finniston forged between top management and the work-force at British Steel is epitomised by the fact that he was given farewell parties by each of the seven major steelworks when he came to leave the corporation at the end of ten years .
30 He was given command of his first ship three years later and named the Queen 's Equerry in 1986 following the death of Major Hugh Lindsay in an avalanche at Klosters while skiing with the Prince of Wales .
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