Example sentences of "he was [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why , he was boasting about it in the prop-room .
2 and there he was boasting about his age and
3 Now , at seventeen , he was bowing to Mrs Cohen 's wish and had entered University College to study medicine .
4 He was bowing over her , and he was nonplussed when , smiling up into his face , she said , ‘ You are teasing me now , are n't you ?
5 He was preaching on the text ‘ The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence , and violent men take it by force ’ .
6 He was preaching on a street in Belfast .
7 Furthermore he was preaching against Calvinism .
8 He was burrowing into responsibilities , looking for them almost , for they gave substance to that which bound Emily to him — and still the shock of jealousy pulsed occasionally making him shudder so that he blushed to seem to be shivering .
9 He was burrowing in a briefcase while he waited .
10 The most remarkable example of such a deposit in Britain is that at Llyn Cerrig Bach in Anglesey , found by a contractor during the last war when he was digging for peat .
11 When Dorothy came home from town , however , he was digging over the vegetable patch , despite its half-frozen state and the gently falling snow .
12 He was digging in his minute patch of garden opposite Riverview , on the other side of the tow-path .
13 Did you hear about Gustave 's glove bill in the days when he was prancing by candlelight ?
14 ‘ When he told me he was panning for gold , I simply did n't believe it .
15 And since , unlike many wives of city moguls , she 'd had recent experience at the sharp end of business in the City of London , she understood , only too clearly , the problems he was facing at the present time .
16 He was chanting in his childish voice and whirling something round his head .
17 If Constance thought she was learning things about Ludovico , it was nothing compared with what he was gleaning from her .
18 He was fumbling for a handkerchief as she hurried up .
19 He was fumbling with something close to his left side .
20 Rosenberg worked hard to raise the money to have them give the American lecture tour , and he was beginning to be suspicious of Aveling , but Eleanor was devoted to him and deaf to all his antics .
21 ‘ I know , I know , just when he was beginning to be a success like Perry .
22 Maybe he was beginning to be sick , but mainly I think he was distressed .
23 When she and Dustin were reunited in the laundromat , he was beginning to be noticed off-Broadway and she was an established dancer .
24 He was beginning to be spoken of as a promising student who would be offered a lectureship at the end of the course .
25 Er I I think my honourable friend , if I followed him er is confusing two things , er because erm er what we , he was beginning by talking about er are what we will come to in the regulations er which is the right of citizens of other er member countries to vote in the country of which they 're not a citizen to vote .
26 He appeared to find something interesting because he shortened his stride till he was marching opposite me .
27 Yet he was insisting on going to a whelping case .
28 He was sitting with Mick at the top of a hill and he was wishing with a deep desire that he could remain in time , this present time , forever .
29 He was toying with the idea of bifocal spectacles on the eve of his appointment as Ambassador to France , and the future held a key role for him in the drafting of the American Constitution .
30 The Jungian concept of synchronicity was much on his mind because he was toying with the idea of using it to underpin the narrative structure of London .
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