Example sentences of "he is [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
2 A happy , approachable Oliver Stone is a new phenomenon indeed — he is no a man known for his relaxed attitude on set , and the actors in Platoon especially were pushed to the limit .
3 ‘ It is as well he is not a Papist , then , or the Pope would take off his frock. , ‘ He what ? ’
4 Although Lord Rees-Mogg 's confession that he is not a modernist can just about explain his neglect of artists such as Schoenberg , Proust , Kafka , Beckett and Auden , sheer ignorance is the only way in which one can account for the omission of Charles Sherrington , Alan Hodgkin , Lord Adrian and David Hubel , to name but four in neurophysiology ; Rutherford , Bohr , Planck , Heisenberg , Dirac and Gell-Man in physics .
5 He is not a Macbeth who seems particularly hag-ridden , by wife or witches , nor grotesquely ambitious .
6 He is not a natural extrovert ; leadership was thrust on him from a very early age .
7 He is not a sceptic about the reality of global warming — he can claim to have been the first man to notice it — but he does not believe it is necessarily harmful .
8 Best of all , he is not a proselytiser , much less a saint .
9 He is not a clever man , ’ her friend said and Dorothea recalled that she had said it before , anxiously , determined that Dorothea should understand but , nevertheless , accept .
10 He is not a large man , but portly now and rather short of breath .
11 ‘ My father paints , now chiefly icons , painting straight on to board and insists he is not a line-drawing man .
12 As he is not a chap to do anything by halves , to get your hands on the eight per cent SGNs you 'll have to go the whole hog and invest in ‘ Work '69 : Terres a Vin ’ , a box containing six special half-bottles ( 1 Muenchberg Riesling ‘ VV ’ , 2 Muenchberg Pinot Gris and 3 Franholz Gewurztraminer ) with handmade labels and capsules pebbledashed with vineyard soil , a piece of rock from each of the three Grand Cru vineyards and a book of Andre 's poems .
13 Alas , in prose he is not a very sober writer .
14 But he is not a thrilling speaker .
15 While he is not a charismatic figure , his supporters say he would prove a worthy defender of the rights of backbenchers against increasing government power .
16 ‘ It 's a pity he is not a bit more French . ’
17 He is not a very manly person , you know . ’
18 He is not a pretty sight .
19 He is not a … ’
20 He is not a negotiator or a devil 's advocate .
21 According to his solicitor at the time Nicholas was ‘ bitterly disappointed with the verdict because he is not a violent man . ’
22 ‘ He has got himself into the most God almighty muddle , ’ he said , adding almost hopelessly , ‘ he is not a worldly person .
23 It allows the beneficiary under a trust to sue a third party in possession of the object under trust so long as he is not a ‘ bona fide purchaser for value without notice ’ .
24 He admits he is not a professional Welshman , since he does n't speak the language , does n't play rugby and does n't sing too well .
25 He is not a man who courts company , often cutting a solitary and somewhat broody figure , but colleagues say he was frustrated by his lack of opportunities with England in the winter and , more recently , by his inability to build big innings for Middlesex .
26 He is not a neutral observer who first learns to define Truth and then applies it to different aspects of life .
27 That he is not a wing by inclination matters little .
28 A player joining a new club during the close season or after the season starts will have to wait 30 days if joining a club two leagues higher or lower before he plays for that club in a Courage league game or 120 days if joining a club on the same level or one league higher or lower before he plays for that in a league game ; he waits 180 days if he is not a British passport holder .
29 Older he undoubtedly is , but he is not a jot wiser .
30 The veteran Eire international is careful not to be drawn into a new slanging match with Ferguson — but one of those reasons must be to show the United manager that he is not a crippled has-been , better equipped propping up a bar than shoring up a defence at football 's highest level .
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