Example sentences of "he is [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He is advising on a draft bill for a new law to protect Britain 's archaeological heritage better , but he is the kind of academic to whom the government turns for advice on all kinds of matters , not just his own specialisations : last year , for example , he was responsible for the Report on the National Curriculum in art education in schools .
2 The speaker feels — and do n't we all ? — that if he had been around then he might have had the good fortune to cut a greater dash in the subject than he is succeeding in doing in present circumstances .
3 But he must go on to explain the sorts of variations which have this effect on individuals ( or other subjects ) if he is to rely on counterfactual claims about the actions of subjects .
4 He is noted for possessing a ferocious intellectual curiosity — and when I asked him what he was reading while cruising across the Atlantic on Concorde , he said without flinching , Conversations with Isaiah Berlin .
5 He is noted in Treasury records from 1671 as a member of a number of official commissions , notably as a commissioner for appeals in excise .
6 He is served by a lovely cast who lift a gossamer-thin veil to show the misunderstandings and subtle warrings which make up human relations in all their glory .
7 He is employed as an assistant to the Production Director and is attending a SCOTVEC day release course in Business Studies .
8 He is employed as a Graduate Trainee in Production Planning .
9 He is employed by a Sett of Noble Men ( by my recommendation ) to collect seeds and specimens of rare plants ’ .
10 Where he is employed by the society , that will be indicated below the signature .
11 A person who has been admitted as a solicitor and whose name is on the roll shall , if he would not otherwise be taken to be acting as a solicitor , be taken for the purposes of this Act to be so acting [ and therefore being required to hold a practising certificate ] if he is employed in connection with the provision of any legal services ( a ) by any person who is qualified to act as a solicitor ; ( b ) by any partnership at least one member of which is so qualified ; or ( c ) by a body recognised by the Council of the Law Society under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 ( incorporated practices ) .
12 It is true that God is not yet totally banished from his creation , but having made it and all that is in it , rather like a watchmaker constructs a timepiece , he is felt to be no longer necessary to explain the inner workings of the mechanism .
13 To the Nuer , god appears both as lofty and remote , though omnipotent , while sometimes approachable and near-at-hand : indeed on some occasions he is felt to be too close for comfort and is earnestly beseeched to withdraw his presence and leave his people in peace .
14 He is charged with ensuring that the Operator providing the signal complies with the rules of coverage , with coordinating committee coverage , and with generally liaising between HOCBUL , the Operator , the broadcasters , the Committee itself and Members and Officers of the House .
15 He is charged with leading the team and with day to day liaison with the Lexicographer Group .
16 As Comptroller General he is charged with authorizing the amounts paid out to spending departments by the Paymaster General , in accordance with the votes specified in the Appropriation Act .
17 He is charged with the murder of all three women , his wife , daughter and mother-in-law sometime between the 14th and 20th of August .
18 He is charged with taking a car without consent , causing grievous bodily harm with the intent to resist arrest and criminal damage with intent to endanger life .
19 Among Herak 's alleged victims were eight Muslim women who he is charged with raping and murdering .
20 Instead , he is limited to a sum which reflects the difference between what he actually paid for the property , and what the Court thinks he would have paid had he known of the defect at the time he bought it .
21 In praising the Nun 's Priest , however , he is limited to a motif of sexual worth that inescapably recalls the fabliau : which is what he had imagined of the Monk ( VII : 1945 ) .
22 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
23 I drew him that , I gave him one of those [ pointing to the jumper he is wearing in the picture ] .
24 He is referring to his parents , I think .
25 ‘ Everything 's more difficult these days , ’ grumbles a bed-ridden pensioner in a Chilean film ; and although , as it happens , he is referring to that day 's crossword , the comment itself speaks volumes .
26 He is referring to a study published last year in the British Medical Journal in which the complementary therapy of chiropractic was compared with conventional physiotherapy in the treatment of low back pain .
27 As we have seen , Gandhi recognizes that no single religion can embody the whole truth , and that all particular religions contain errors since they are human constructs or formulations , but does it follow necessarily that when he speaks of Religion underlying all human constructs , or at the heart of all religions , he is referring to an ‘ essence ’ of an ‘ entity ’ or a ‘ primordial form ’ of religion after the fashion of Schleiermacher ?
28 Waugh himself ca n't be blamed for the wrenching out of a context that might have helped us to understand whether he is referring to unhappy women , rendered so by not being content with their lot , or men , who are now being forced to lend a hand with the Hoover .
29 When he says that ‘ English ’ relates to such cultural characteristics as ‘ objectivity ’ in specific ways , he is referring to a language-system , not to English in the loose everyday sense .
30 I wonder which part of the sentence he is referring to .
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