Example sentences of "he did [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may however be noted that the immunity against judicial interrogation is no longer as complete as it was , for the abolition by the Criminal Evidence Act 1898 of the rule that an accused was not even a competent witness at his own trial opened up the possibility that if he did give evidence he would expose himself to questioning by counsel for the prosecution and in appropriate circumstances by the judge himself ; and his privilege against self-incrimination whilst giving evidence was expressly removed by section 1 ( e ) of the Act of 1898 .
2 He did give power to schools and parents , but that made him enemies .
3 He did love Mackie .
4 Well I mean , he did we , he we , he did send letters to the council .
5 ‘ Now , it 's perfectly possible that he did discover Nicola was having an affair a couple of weeks ago but only threw out the photos last night .
6 Everything he did smelt quality , even though he was on for such a short time . ’
7 Mr Jones said : ‘ He did make reference to the letter in the speech that he made and he did make positive noises but whether they will translate into positive actions we 'll have to wait and see . ’
8 He did make things difficult for a few minutes and I did consider having him fired from the chamber .
9 Staring from the window , her mouth curved in a smile , she wondered what he would say if she told him that if he did make love to her he would be the first .
10 It was inevitable that if , in saying anything that blamed others , he did make admissions in part that would tend to confirm the accuracy of the allegations that had already been made against him .
11 In the first two reports of the Commissioner , he drew attention to a few technical problems , such as wrong numbers being intercepted , and he did make recommendations as to how the procedures should be modified , describing these as being of ‘ no great importance ’ .
12 He did acquire Savoy and Nice , but he lost control of events in the peninsula , so that the Italian Kingdom which emerged in 1861 was far from being the entity he had originally envisaged .
13 But what he strenuously de nies inventing is that he DID serve Mr Lamont in Praed Street , Paddington , west London , on Monday , November 16 .
14 Yes , he did commit suicide on that bridge but he drank from a bottle of lysol which would mean a swift but painful end .
15 But erm , it er , that fact remains , he did nail Wilson .
16 Friends , as we speak today about South Africa , we speak about transition transition from February nineteen ninety when De Klerk said that he would change things and he did change things and they were dramatic changes and then we had apartheid with a liberal dispensation .
17 The ambition was what Gains , in his autobiography , calls the ‘ impossible dream ’ ; the colour line effectively prohibited him from challenging for the world title , though he did beat George Godfrey for the black version of the championship in 1928 .
18 But , but , he did win four tournaments , he did finish second to Norman on the money list , and he did end his season with a startlingly brilliant final round , an 8-under par 63 at the Champions course in Houston to give him third place in the rich Nabisco Championships .
19 Suzi was pale and had obviously been crying : He did hope Gesner had n't done anything to interfere with the opening production next Tuesday .
20 His contribution can not be understated and he did sign Gough , Mark Hateley and , most importantly of all , his successor as manager Walter Smith .
21 When he did show signs of depression I could usually shake him out of it , and we took a schoolboyish delight in finding ways to disconcert Ralph 's snooty man , Talbot , who brought morning coffee and afternoon tea up to the library , and evidently disapproved or both us and our enterprise .
22 Since then he has failed to win but he did show signs of his old ability when third in the Kim Muir at Cheltenham under Ulster 's Paddy Graffin and the connections are hopeful that he will run a big race at Aintree .
23 None , that is , who are living , because he did show Gwen John .
24 He did tell Theo that the sketch was suggested to him by a poem of Thomas Hood 's relating the story of a conscience-stricken rich lady who has been to buy a dress and sees an emaciated , consumptive seamstress in a back room of the shop .
25 However , he did tell Gedge he was having thoughts of leaving , but did not say why .
26 Althusser 's historical interest derives from the fact that he represents the only orthodox Marxist theorist who has tried to get out of Hegel while remaining a Marxist — though for many Marxists he did sacrifice Marxism in the process , which only suggests how closely Marxism and Hegelianism are intertwined .
27 He did study law and acquired all the necessary qualifications but he became increasingly depressed — a condition which was not conquered until , at the age of 28 , he went back to university to study the science subjects he so loved .
28 It was also the turn of Kenneth Clarke today ; the Health Secretary did n't have quite so much up his sleeve , but he did announce plans to set up a nationwide programme of health targets .
29 My GP , a vegetarian who has put a seeking ear in the direction of Krishnamurti , was not unsympathetic , although he did express concern at the very stringent vegan diet .
30 The concept of the DEA , conceived , according to legend , by Wilson and his deputy , George Brown , in the back of a taxi on the short journey between the St Ermin 's Hotel and the House of Commons ( a legend Wilson has demolished , though on that journey he did offer Brown the job of running the DEA ) had scarcely received the attention it deserved during Labour 's preparation for power .
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