Example sentences of "he did the same " in BNC.

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1 But apart from that incident , it was a great show and he did the same kind of thing in Seattle , Kansas City and the sort of cities in the Mid West where they had n't heard of him — it was too early — but Tony DeFries was as good as his word .
2 He did the same when she had friends there .
3 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
4 He did the same for the Walther .
5 He did the same as me ; gave a poor reason and then a good one that was embarrassing , to stop us seeking further .
6 She pushed him again and he did the same again .
7 Then he did the same to his stepfather , whose forehead was dry and cold , almost as if he were dead already .
8 Scandinavia was a happy hunting ground for him and he did the same for Nicolai Gedda .
9 He did the same with two of Mr Wood 's letters , in this way doing the landlord a considerable favour .
10 The tiger that was nearest to him , and which he could see most easily , seemed so bored that he did the same thing day after day , hour after hour .
11 He did the same to the soldiers ' barracks and police stations ; there may have been time for the policemen to read seventy-five years ago but not today .
12 He did the same with my patient of yesterday whose glaring eyes and cold extremities told their grim tale .
13 He turned the bag upside down and dumped everything onto the floor , and then he did the same for the drawers and for the wardrobe .
14 Told me that at just about the same age , he did the same thing to try and impress the then girl in in the office .
15 But his main qualification for cleaning up Argentina 's economic mess is that he did the same job ( rather badly ) in a short-lived government a quarter of a century ago .
16 It was the first big opera he 'd conducted and he just did n't know how to do that , how to pace himself Incidentally he did the same thing when we recorded Peter Grimes and Reggie had to come in and help finish the recording .
17 I says , do n't tell me , I said , he did the same thing to me the other day , and it were only within a couple of days of each other .
18 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
19 And he did the same thing at Brackley Town , he guided them to success , their best ever season , he 's gone to Buckingham Town , took a few players with him , so Brackley Town , they 're not too pleased and they 're going to be out to beat Buckingham Town tonight , but I 'm going to sit on the fence and go for Buckingham 3 1 .
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