Example sentences of "he did for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Would not any of us wish , in the circumstances , that the courageous and humane Dr Nigel Cox was on duty to do the same for us as he did for Mrs Boyes ?
2 David , an obvious model for early medieval princes , could have had a special appeal for Charles ( as we know he did for Alfred ) .
3 He 'd speak out for a poor helpless old man like Donny , just as he did for Ireland . ’
4 He had a soft spot for Roy , the same as he did for Benny .
5 Deano will score the first goal of the season just like he did for Sheff .
6 The only good things you can say about some of these new series , like Matthew Carter 's Cochin in fact that he did for Linotype are these other weights .
7 The piece is very closely related to the other two pieces that he did for flute and clarinet .
8 David Gergen , his new director of communications , returning to a job he did for Ronald Reagan , is a fine man , deservedly respected in Washington .
9 He also saw the need to rewrite roles around the talents of the actors , as he did for Crawford , but there were limits to what he could do to make the most of the story for the cinema .
10 ‘ And he told me he did for Mr Bishop .
11 He is to take over not only the redevelopment of derelict inner-city sites , a major initiative in itself , but also the overlordship of the ten ( soon to be 12 ) Urban Development Corporations , as well as acting as an English development agency , attracting foreign companies to English towns and cities in the same way as he did for Wales .
12 Can Cantona do for United what he did for Leeds last season , then ?
13 Ever since Cuntona joined scum , all of a sudden he s a class player — despite still not playing as well as he did for Leeds .
14 He then uses much the same repertory of colours and patterns and fin displays as he did for aggression , but in a female these trigger a series of different responses that eventually culminates in the laying of eggs .
15 So when a chaplain goes to war as he did for example in the Falklands , he goes with his men erm and he 's erm not armed at all .
16 Sure enough , when Ambrose took it he did for Russell with a shooter and then disposed of the rest .
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