Example sentences of "he tell the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Close by , at SPY HILL , pentices were remembered by the late Mr Armer , who was a neighbour , and he told the present owner of his recollections .
2 He told the Prime Minister : ‘ We have handed over to you a united country .
3 He told the Federal Assembly that the devaluation , the second in less than four months , would compensate for an excess in public spending during the past nine months equivalent to US$5,400 million .
4 He told the representative body that the talks were too confidential for us to be let into the secret .
5 He told the packed church : ‘ The gunman went out to kill a British soldier and he missed .
6 I realised I was being deceived , ’ he told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee .
7 Electronics industry consultant Bob Heikes reckons he 's likely to hang on to the job , but for all the wrong reasons : ‘ Bull is hopeless , ’ he told the International Herald Tribune — ‘ a new guy is n't going to make any difference . ’
8 In November 1958 he told the Western powers that they must leave Berlin within six months and make it a ‘ free city ’ , or he would sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany .
9 Time at last to rid himself of the name ‘ Marwood ’ for good and all : he told the officiating minister , Alfred Martell , to write him down as ‘ James Henry Titford ’ .
10 ‘ Records will show very shortly that we have not had a typical winter for this part of the country and that seems to be the main reason , ’ he told the environmental health committee yesterday .
11 Georgia 's President Zviad Gamsakhurdia continued to warn of the prospect of Gorbachev attempting to impose presidential rule , and he told the Georgian Supreme Soviet on Feb. 27 that he believed that Gorbachev was preparing to detach South Ossetia and the other troubled enclave of Abkhazia from Georgia if the republic persisted in refusing to sign the new Union Treaty .
12 And Allied Signal Corp chairman Lawrence Bossidy has initiated the UK ‘ manufacturing versus services ’ debate in the US , suggesting that for those that believe that IBM Corp should be making more , cheaper rather than shuttering factories all over the place , he might have been the right man for the job : US industry ‘ can not slash its way to prosperity , ’ he told the new Design & Manufacturing Institute of the Stevens Institute of Technology — adding that while design innovation is a US strength , ‘ we need to extend US technological excellence from the design laboratory to the manufacturing floor — American business needs to find ways to improve the speed with which we convert innovative design into high-quality , marketable product ; many of our factory floors are populated by high-school graduates or dropouts , with a few engineers serving as supervisors safely ensconced behind glass walls , ’ Bossidy said , where Japanese shop floors are staffed much more by graduate engineers who work directly with well-trained workers , to solve problems and improve manufacturing efficiency .
13 In April he told the fifth session of the central commission that ‘ the consent of the Bishops will not be difficult to obtain and their approval will be unanimous ’ ( Rouquette , 1968 , p. 114 ) .
14 He told the central committee that the new party leader , Mr Petar Mladenov , and many members of the ruling politburo were little better than the old regime .
15 He told the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher not to be late as she would miss it .
16 He told the Dutch parliament that those countries still wanting to participate would meet shortly to decide whether to pursue the programme .
17 ‘ He 's just a healthy young lad , I do n't know what he gets up to in his sex life , ’ he told the leering press .
18 He told the Labour conference : ‘ It is no wonder that we are running a £20bn sterling trade deficit .
19 He told the Labour Conference in Blackpool that the Cabinet should set an example by having faith in the public seft sector .
20 He told the gathered community that he was committed to proving it was not active in South Ronaldsay .
21 Higher education could not rely on the taxpayer as its only source of funds , he told the annual meeting of the university 's court of governors .
22 We can move it together , ’ he told the annual meeting of his flagship Bond Corporation .
23 He told the Annual Chemical Congress in Manchester yesterday : ‘ Cigarette smoke , moisture from exhalation , aromas and smells from food and goodness knows what else are the cause . ’
24 More effective is pre-school intervention , ’ he told the annual British Association Science Festival at Keele University , Staffordshire .
25 ‘ Go back , ’ he told the two grooms .
26 Lucien feared that if he told the other vibrancers he was working with Jeopardy , it would excite resentment among them .
27 In case Laing was unfamiliar with it , he told the young man what he now knew to be true .
28 ‘ I have some very good news for you , my dear fellow , ’ he told the young man .
29 ‘ Do not leave this hall thinking that with the fall of the Berlin Wall the work of Amnesty has lightened ’ , he told the young delegates .
30 He told the young man to wait in the hall .
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