Example sentences of "he say about [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later he will make a sharp division between himself and women readers when he says about Cilla Black :
2 The more a critic wishes to substantiate what he says about style , the more he will need to point to the linguistic evidence of texts ; and linguistic evidence , to be farm , must be couched in terms of numerical frequency .
3 Much that he says about divisions in the human psyche is reflected in pale form in the Hindu sacred books of the Upanishads ( which is hardly surprising , since White Face claims that all the world 's knowledge of itself emanated from the ‘ Other Side ’ during the ice age before last , when Other Siders went out like missionaries over the globe , reaching as far as Hindustan ) .
4 I mean , in respect of what he says about knowledge .
5 My right hon. Friend is quite right in what he says about Sir David Wilson and also about his second point .
6 Of course , I endorse what he says about justice and peace and about the need for greater military security .
7 What had he said about rape ?
8 ‘ No , no , no , ’ he said about intimidation .
9 Do you know what he said about fathers and sons ? ’
10 She did n't like what he said about shades of grey , nor the suggestion that villains and heroes were artificial categories .
11 oh Matt , right , and he was saying something about getting married and he said about bridesmaids , er have you choose the bridesmaids dresses ? , how old is she then ?
12 The hon. Gentleman will know that I can not comment on what he said about taxation .
13 He was n't prepared to be carried along with the wave and the various things that he said about Europe were completely right for what he said .
14 I have had more submissions than he said about South Ayrshire , but mostly they were tear-out strips from newspapers and from people who had been —
15 For all he said about poetry being a ‘ mug 's game ’ , he must have felt an interior exultation at knowing that he possessed outstanding gifts .
16 With regard to what he said about Stratford school , if he had taken rather more interest in the school when it was in the control of Newham and insisted on the school keeping up to reasonable standards and if he now put pressure on Newham LEA to ensure that it raised standards in schools , he would be doing more for his constituents than he is by his performance today .
17 What he said about Evans 's movements and behaviour on Saturday evening plus his confirmation of Jacko Roberts 's placing of Connon high on the Evans suspect list had set Pascoe 's mind racing .
18 What he said about thieving — it 's important .
19 In view , however , of what he said about student support , compared with what the citizens advice bureaux say about student support — the citizens advice bureaux deal with real students suffering real hardship in the real world , while the Prime Minister hides himself away behind locked gates in 10
20 It is thus quite clear that whatever he said about Shakespeare 's plays , Tolkien read some of them with keen attention : most of all , Macbeth .
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