Example sentences of "he have [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He just about owns poor Daniele ever since that business with the drugs , not to mention those photographs he has of Silvio … ’
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what is his estimate of the current level of unleaded petrol sales in the United Kingdom ; and what comparable figures he has for EC member states .
3 The occasional blow-ups he has at Lennie are understandable , as Lennie is very difficult to look after , and George could be popular , settle down with a woman and get a good job .
4 THE ‘ Grim Reaper ’ of ice hockey explained the role he has at Wembley Arena today : ‘ I go out and do a job on anyone who is giving our top scorers a hard time . ’
5 The only powers that control fate are the Gods , and so when Tamburlaine mentions in a conversation which he has with Theridamas that he controls his own fate , this implies that he believes he is a God : ‘ I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains , and with mine hand turn fortune 's wheel about ’ .
6 For example , in his verbal sparring which he has with Bajazeth before their battle he tells him that ‘ every common soldier of my army shall smile to see thy miserable state ’ .
7 The Home Office says he has until Tuesday evening to find another country to take him .
8 He writes in verse 19 of the assurance that he has in God 's power and responsibility .
9 What discussions has he had with Mr. Yeltsin about that serious matter , and what steps will Europe and the United States take to try to secure the services of those nuclear scientists in the Soviet Union ?
10 What discussions is he having with President Kravchuk on that matter ?
11 What friends did he have in Spain apart from other International Brigaders ?
12 El Cid now became an honoured member of Alfonso 's court — but he no longer held the high office of Ensign as he had during Sancho 's reign .
13 L B did n't come off so well in another encounter he had with Gilbert in 1928 .
14 Hall no doubt attempted to justify his action , by referring to the meeting that he had with Lewis on 4th August , and although Palmerston said that he had checked with Lewis , there must have been some misunderstanding between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
15 He was also blamed for breaking co-star Paul Land 's ribs when , it was claimed , Rourke insisted on realism in a fight scene he had with Land .
16 Hugh Dalton , whose father was Canon of Windsor , reports a conversation which he had with Stamfordham at Windsor Castle on 26 December .
17 There was one occasion when he went into a café and asked for tea and then while he waited he suddenly saw a solution to a theological argument which he had with Leslie Owen the warden , and his waving of hands was so convulsive that the café refused to serve him with the tea .
18 One of the four , Mr Gary Johnson , 46 , said yesterday a job interview he had with Mr David Sharratt , Swithland 's financial director , was ‘ a sham ’ .
19 Before signalling that he could keep his job , Mr Mates , however , was quizzed by Downing Street about any links he had with Mr Nadir .
20 Just as he had with Ann , Tommy had taken over at Christopher 's .
21 As a precondition to a meeting he had with de Klerk on May 8 , Nelson Mandela , the deputy president of the ANC , had insisted that the government must announce a ban on the carrying of all " dangerous " weapons , undertake to phase out single men 's hostels in the townships , and halt the use by police of " unacceptable " crowd-control measures — mainly the use of live ammunition .
22 That was the frightening part , losing control , just as he had with Mary , not being able to do anything about it — not knowing when it would happen again .
23 This is the only quotation from Panaetius ( De officiis 1.26.90 ) which can give us some idea of the conversations he had with Scipio in his many years of familiarity with him .
24 Danzig 's first Nazi Senate President Rauschning recorded a conversation he had with Himmler , probably at the end of 1933 :
25 Leith was n't embarrassed , just saddened that his love for her friend had brought him to this , as he revealed how , for fear of losing what little chance he had with Rosemary , he had kept quiet about his love when he 'd wanted to shout it from the rooftops .
26 Clearly he had realised that , with Mr Green answering the phone , any conversation he had with Rosemary was going to be very one-sided .
27 He 's had 10 times the number of commission bids for Vung Tau as he had for Nanking — ‘ and this is a much smaller cargo ’ .
28 Then something snapped inside him ; all the choked up hatred he had for Luke suddenly spewed out .
29 In the ordinary daylight Adam looked fiercer , wilder , than he had on Starr Hills .
30 When the couple had gone upstairs to bed , Mr Stephens packed his bag for the next day 's outing , bolted the doors firmly — for many of the men stayed in Cockermouth drinking for three or four days and would roam the streets at night looking for somewhere to sleep — and then , as if to atone for those first designs he had on Emily , he picked out Silas Marner from his bookshelf and wrapped it up as a present for her .
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