Example sentences of "he be [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 When ‘ God 's minister , Death ’ visited the pastor 's own family and he lost a child aged one month , he was at first overwhelmed by grief , as described by his wife in a memoir written after this death .
2 By 1819 , if Shelley is to be taken as a reliable guide , Wordsworth 's stock had gone down and down : ‘ He was at first sublime , pathetic , impressive , profound ; then dull ; then prosy and dull ; and now dull — oh so very dull ! it is an ultra-legitimate dulness ’ ( Dedication to Peter Bell the Third ) .
3 When his teacher , Mauve , and then Tersteeg , the manager at Goupil 's whom he had counted a friend , both turned against him , he was at first bitterly hurt .
4 But as he was at first without a seat in Parliament and in any event left almost immediately for extended duty in the United States , he was unable either to galvanize or to discharge any of the traditional functions of his office .
5 To some extent he was at first exonerated from confronting them with this reality by grants of papal crusading tenths , sexennial ones levied on the clergy only , authorized in 1274 and 1291 , and yielding about £20,000 annually .
6 He was at first driven out by the duces , Berhthun and Andhun , but it was not long before he attacked again and slew King Aethelwealh ( HE IV , 15 ) .
7 When , in 1929 , the Swiss amateur physiologist Hans Berger reported that by taping a set of recording electrodes to the human scalp he could record continuous bursts of electricity pulsing through the brain , he was at first not taken seriously .
8 His branch , in which he was at first the only officer , was called GS ( R ) .
9 Yeah , he was in first thing .
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